
  • April: Month in Review May 5, 2021

    I’m currently in the Denver airport killing some time before the husband and I head to Georgia for a graduation. I’m taking advantage of being at our gate early to get this personal blog post for April up. Yay! April was my last slow month before wedding season kicks off at the end of May. For this month’s recap I’m going to try a slighty different format, so let’s get…

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  • March: Month in Review April 4, 2021

    It’s already time for a recap of March. Winter/Early Spring is generally my slow season as a wedding photographer and March felt especially slow. I always have moments where I wish I had more sessions and photography work going on. That being said, I’ve started…

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  • February: Month in Review March 14, 2021

    The month of February was the first full month of having my husband, Brandon, home after his deployment. Luckily for us we seamlessly transitioned back into normal life being together. We took a few days away for a ski and snowboard trip in the mountains.…

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