
  • Why I’m Still Struggling with Blogging April 28, 2015

    Earlier in the year I wrote about how I was struggling with blogging. The inspiration to write blog posts wasn’t coming. It was a struggle to come up with content to write about on my blog. It was frustrating. Fast forward to the present and…

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  • Why I'm Still Struggling with Blogging April 28, 2015

    Earlier in the year I wrote about how I was struggling with blogging. The inspiration to write blog posts wasn’t coming. It was a struggle to come up with content to write about on my blog. It was frustrating. Fast forward to the present and…

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  • Secret Blogger Club// #1 April 15, 2015

    Hi everyone! As shown by the title of today’s post I joined a Secret Blogger Club. It’s a pretty serious deal to say the least. Kelsey from The Blonder Side created this club (linkup) for all of us smaller bloggers to discover new blogs, make…

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  • Currently// March March 4, 2015

    Today I’m linking up with In Residence and Dearest Love for the March edition of Currently.  Dreaming// 3 weeks from now I’ll be on a plane headed to Austin for my first weekend of spring break. Then I’ll hop on another plane and finally get to see my boyfriend for…

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  • January Favorites January 30, 2015

    I can’t believe January has come and gone, but that’s how it always goes isn’t it. January truly has been a month of “new” for me. So I’m going to share with you some favorites from this month. Job//I got a new job! I’m the new…

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  • Why I’m Struggling With Blogging January 19, 2015

    As a writer I have a love/hate relationship with the white blank page. Whether that white blank page is my computer screen with the cursor blinking or a white blank page in one of my journals, writing can be tough. Writing for the purpose of…

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  • Why I'm Struggling With Blogging January 19, 2015

    As a writer I have a love/hate relationship with the white blank page. Whether that white blank page is my computer screen with the cursor blinking or a white blank page in one of my journals, writing can be tough. Writing for the purpose of…

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  • Emily Ley’s Simplified Planner //Giveaway December 18, 2014

      Hi everyone!! This weekend has been a wild whirlwind and carried over to these past couple of days. I’ll catch y’all up on my life later, but first I have an exciting giveaway to tell you all about! Without further ado…. The Christmas Season…

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  • Emily Ley's Simplified Planner //Giveaway December 18, 2014

      Hi everyone!! This weekend has been a wild whirlwind and carried over to these past couple of days. I’ll catch y’all up on my life later, but first I have an exciting giveaway to tell you all about! Without further ado…. The Christmas Season…

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  • Why You Need to Go Self-Hosted November 3, 2014

    So you started a blog and now aspire of growing your blog. However you’re still hosted through WordPress or Blogger (meaning you have .wordpress after your name). That’s great and it’s free, but if your blog is going to be more than just a little…

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