Catching up on BBB Week 5

SkylarFebruary 14, 2013

I know it’s Valentine’s day and maybe this post should be all about love and whatnot, but I still haven’t posted about Best Body Bootcamp week 5! What have I been doing with my life?! School is the answer. Just school. I hope I don’t get a card or a cake that says this…even though it’s probably true:

Last week I completed week 5 of Best Body Bootcamp and just did day 4 of week 6 today. I have really enjoyed this phase of bootcamp. My favorite workout has been Workout B which uses High Intensity Circuit Training, which is what I completed yesterday. There were 10 exercises and I did each exercise for 40 seconds with 20 seconds rest then went to the next one. Yesterday I did 50 seconds with 10 seconds rest and went through it twice with a two minute rest between. Then I went through the exercises did 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest to end.

My favorite moves would be the push-up with rotation, straight arm plank with leg lifts, and the squat toss. These are the types of workouts that I was used to doing before I start BBB, so it was something my body was familiar with.

The other two strength training days have been fun too and I’ve been utilitzing the weight room. The weight room at my university is so annoying. I feel like every guy in there is thinking “Why is she in here?” “Look she’s using only 8lbs.” “She should go back to the cardio room.” too bad the cardio room doesn’t have all the right equipment. Sorry bout it boys.

Annnddd I think I might actually…maybe…not sure….would be impressed or humored if I saw this happen at the gym:

Kinda funny right? I think so!

Anyways, my arms and shoulders were sore most of last week. The cardio has been a kicker too. Tina is simply kicking my butt and I’m okay with that. I also have some new motivation for going hard at the gym and eating healthier due to a silly competition I will be participating in during March. It’s silly trust me.

And coming up this Sunday my sorority is participating in Susan G. Komen’s Race for the Cure in El Paso. I will be running the 5k with a group of my sisters and then we will be helping out wherever needed. I’m sure I’ll mention this Sunday and have more to say, but participating in Race for the Cure is one of the most rewarding experiences. To see survivors and people currently battling breast cancer participating is just something I can’t explain…very inspirational, motivational, and just an overall emotional experience.

Tomorrow I will be doing the strength C workout and hopefully will get a post in sometime this weekend that covers what I’ve been up to during this week! Have a great night with your lovers or your tubs of ice cream!

Comments (1)

  • Abby

    February 15, 2013 at 3:54 pm

    Haha! All of these are awesome. I think it’s totally hilarious when guys get super into it at the gym. Sure, they’re just getting a good (and very intense) workout in, but all the obnoxious breathing and strutting around still makes me chuckle 🙂 Hope you have a good weekend! Keep that awesome strength training up!!

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