Thinking Out Loud // Fall Break

SkylarOctober 16, 2014

Today I’m linking up with Running With Spoons for Thinking Out Loud! It seems like my new blogging schedule has changed to once weekly on Thursday. However, now that I’m back from break and have gotten settled back in hopefully I’m posting more often. Anyways let’s get started…

//If you read my blog post from last Thursday you saw that I was headed on an airplane to some place that I left unnamed. That city lying beyond my airplane window was Chicago.

//If you follow me on Instagram I gave you more of a hint of where I went by posting a picture of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, MO on Saturday.

St. Louis Arch

//If you looked on my camera card you would see several pictures of trees experiencing the changing colors of fall. I couldn’t get over how beautiful it was!

Fall Colors 10-16

//If you saw this picture of me and this handsome boy you would know I didn’t go somewhere on an airplane to spend my break by myself. You could say I kinda like him and he makes me pretty happy since his picture made it on the blog.

Me & Brandon

// If you looked at a log of my workouts you would see that I haven’t worked out for over a week and you know what, it hasn’t bothered me. That’s probably due to the fact that I’m making myself take a break so my foot can get it back together.

//If I kept a food journal you would see that I’ve eaten way too many bagels and not near enough fruits or veggies, but I sure enjoyed those bagels.

If you’ve ever been busy or stressed you know sometimes you just need a break. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally.

Though my life has been a different type of busy this semester and I have more time to myself, this fall break was still much needed. It was nice to take a step back away from the classroom and let my mind rest and just enjoy life for a short time.

I love going to new places. It’s energizing and though you may not be able to physically or emotionally tell since I’m quite reserved, it really does excite me. Trips always leave me with a lingering desire to see more of what the world has to offer.

Too bad teaching doesn’t lead to trips across the U.S.

So for now I’ll return back to school and finish out my 8 weeks left of the semester. I started back Tuesday with a refreshed mind and a deep determination to push through these next few weeks. Graduation is starting to peek around the corner.

When was your last break? Are you in need of one now?





Comments (6)

  • Sarah @pickyrunner

    October 16, 2014 at 2:16 pm

    You know it’s a big deal when the boy makes it on the blog. Mine made an appearance once but I’ve tried to keep it off the blog for the most part. I have a feeling that will change this weekend when we’re in PA. I’m super happy for you! Sometimes our bodies need rest to enjoy good foods, not worry about workouts, and focus on the company we’re with. I’m glad your fall break was so great 🙂

  • Christine@ Apple of My Eye

    October 16, 2014 at 2:30 pm

    First off, I can’t get over all those pretty leaves! I get the ocean right in my backyard, but we are lacking in the seasons department haha. Also, you and your boy ARE SO FLIPPING CUTE. Seriously. Both ya’ll have genes of gold.

    So happy you were able to go off on a refreshing trips!

  • Amanda @ .running with spoons.

    October 16, 2014 at 2:38 pm

    You two! SO cute 🙂 And I know what you mean about just needing a break sometimes. I try to “get away” at least once a month, even if its a quick weekend road trip to the mountains. But I also make an effort to schedule breaks throughout the day, to either do something I love or just sit in quiet. And yes… I have to actually schedule them in and tell myself that I’m “allowed” to relax during that time, otherwise I have a tendency to overwork myself

  • Kendel

    October 18, 2014 at 8:53 pm

    Oh my goodness, y’all are too cute! Eeeeeep. Going to new places is the best thing ever! I love exploring a different part of my country. It’s like being a tourist :’) My last break was about a month ago and I’m DYING for another one. I have finals in eleven days and college is over for the year in three weeks. I am beyond excited. I keep telling myself that I’m almost there, but wow, I am tired hahaha. Not long for both of us! We’re almost there! 😀

  • WIAW: Sister's Birthday Weekend – Blonde Freedom

    October 22, 2014 at 12:55 pm

    […] eating habits tend to fly right out the window. Mine were already far gone due to returning from fall break and resuming a crazy week of school that was consumed with Homecoming […]

  • Fall Favorites – Blonde Freedom

    November 7, 2014 at 1:56 pm

    […] My trip in early October has to be one of my favorite parts of this fall. Of course it consisted of getting to see one of my favorite people in the world which is the main reason it’s my favorite trip. I also got to see the St Louis Arch so that was a neat thing to check-off my travel/sight-seeing list. […]

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