Birthday Weekend Recap & July Goals

SkylarJuly 1, 2014

So last weekend was my 22nd birthday if you didn’t realize that despite all my “birthday” posts. The CrossFit box I go to designs a special WOD whenever someone has a birthday, so Friday they made one for me.
WOD: 6 Squat Cleans, 27 Box Jump Overs, 19 Pull-Ups, 92 Double Unders, 19 Pull-Ups, 27 Box Jump overs, 6 Squat Cleans.
The numbers 19 & 92 make the year I was born. The number 6 and 27, form June 27th! Nifty right?! They made me feel special, until we actually had to do the workout. Then I realized it wasn’t so special that I was dripping with sweat, and everyone was cursing my birthday workout. Haha just kidding. It was a great workout.
On Saturday I went to Lubbock, Texas to meet up with a sorority sister to celebrate our birthdays since we’re both June babies. We had lunch and tried to go shopping, but decided getting fro-yo was a better idea.
fro-yo july 1
Then we spent our afternoon at a outdoor bar restaurant place and we talked for hours. When you go from seeing someone almost every day during the week to almost once a month, you have a lot of catching up to do.
Later we went out to a few bars and had a great time. Then Sunday morning we split ways and headed back home. My time with her was too short, but I’m so happy I got to see her.
Anyways time for some July goals. You would think that since my birthday is at the end of June I would be ready and welcoming for July to arrive, but I’m not. I’m still surprised it’s here.

-Progress on pull-up form and kipping
-Consistently get toes to bar
-Improve squat form
-Run 5 miles (3 is too comfy)
-Do more yoga
– Cut back on grains.
-Eat more fruits and vegetable.
-Cook/bake more healthy variations of recipes
-Basically really try to eat Paleo.
-Enjoy spending time with my family
-Get together with my girlfriends here at home
-Be more consistent in reading a devotional/journaling
-Become self-hosted
-New Blog design
-Post 3 times a week
-Figure out which direction I want to take with my blog
-Break out my camera more often & edit my photos
-Love on our sweet baby kitties (It’s crazy how much growth happens in a month!)
kitties july 1
If I add any more goals on there I’ll have a hard time checking them off, so I’ll be realistic and stop right there. Have a joyous first day of July!
Do you have any goals set for July?

Comments (4)

  • Amanda – RunToTheFinish

    July 1, 2014 at 9:06 am

    awww kitty!!! I miss when ours were that tiny, not that they aren’t still totally loveable.
    You’ve got so many amazing goals. I kind of stopped doing monthly goals as I just felt overwhelmed, I just try to enjoy each day now!

  • Christine@ Apple of My Eye

    July 1, 2014 at 10:00 am

    Love that they design a new workout to fit your birthday! Looks pretty damn tough though hahah ;). Doing more pull-ups is on my goal list as well! I discovered randomly one day that I can do about two, so I was super excited about that, but want to be able to just rip out a set in the gym on a whim like a beast ;). Love all of your goals! Let me know if you need any help with self-hosting. It can be a major pain in the butt, but it’s so worth it.

  • Sienna

    July 1, 2014 at 12:55 pm

    happy birthday!!! hope you had a great 22nd!

  • WIAW #5 The Struggle Bus | The Blonde In Black

    July 2, 2014 at 9:22 am

    […] WIAW, but there is almost this added pressure and competition to do so. And like I listed in my July goals that I liked to cut back on bread, eat more fruits and vegetables, and try to eat more Paleo-ish, […]

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