My Biggest Long Term Dreams

SkylarOctober 24, 2014

I saw this blog prompt today over at Hello Neverland and knew it was something I could easily blog about. I’m at a weird place where I don’t know what I’ll be doing in the short-term future meaning in about 2 months. However, I easily can think of what I would love to be doing say a year or so from now.

So what are some of my long term dreams? Let’s explore…Maybe you’ll find too that you’re not the only one with crazy dreams.

Publish a book// I’ve wanted to do this for as long as I can remember.

Run a Half-Marathon//It’s one of those things I just need to sign up and train for it.

Go to England// One of my lifetime dreams since high school. It will happen.

Go to NYC during Christmas and see Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade// I have a weird love for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. There is something magical to think of going to NYC during Christmastime too.

Compete in a CrossFit Competition// Note I did not say CrossFit Games. I don’t think my chicken legs could make it that far. I’m thinking more of a local/state/regional status.

Have a few children // This is definitely long term, but it’s something that is important to me.

Oh, and get married. // Hopefully this one happens before the children. Wayyy before actually.

Complete my Masters Degree // Honestly that’s a difficult thought. I don’t even know what I would get it in or where.

Attend a blog conference// What blogger doesn’t want to go to one is the question.

Have a dog // I’m just itching for a sweet little puppy to have around to run with and play with.

Go to ACL Music Fest or another music festival// I really wanted to go to the Austin City Limits Music Festival earlier this October, but currently I’m poor and had another better trip planned. When I have a real job though it’ll happen.

Be published in a magazine// I was working on this last semester, but it’s something that has fallen to the back burner this semester.

And my ultimate long term dream…drum roll please

Become a full-time blogger/photographer/freelance writer// This is my ultimate career dream I should say. Yes, I do love teaching and I could teach forever if needed. However, the desire to be a writer has been within me for as long as I can remember and has developed into blogging and overflowed into my creative outlet of photography. This is definitely a whole entire blog post in itself for another day.

That’s all of my major long term dreams that came to mind while I’m writing this, but I’m sure there are some others in the back of my mind. Have a fabulous Friday and wonderful weekend!

What are some of your long term dreams? How do you pursue those?


Comments (1)

  • Shelly

    October 24, 2014 at 6:58 pm

    This is awesome! I think writing down goals is super important, especially when you have so many great ones. My biggest long term goal is to be self-employed. It’s always been something that I’ve dreamed of and am hopeful one day it will happen. 🙂

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