Being Fast Pays Off

SkylarAugust 22, 2013

This week my sister and I moved back to our university town for the start of a new semester. The internet hasn’t been working at our apartment yet, so times have been hard without it. You really don’t realize how much you depend upon internet until you don’t have it. So frustrating!

Anyways, I want to recap of this weekend.

This past weekend at our local county fair my family attended the arenacross race on Saturday evening. We love watching dirt bike races. They’re typically really fun to watch.


At this particular race series they have a break where they have a foot race on the track. I’ve done it two years prior that I can remember and another year according to my boyfriend (I can’t remember). So on the way to the fair I wondered if I would run the foot race again this year.

I hadn’t won the foot race yet, so that desire to win was still burning inside me. Running on a motocross track is freakin’ hard! You can’t just full out sprint on all of the humps and jumps or you’ll fall flat on your face. My sister and I came close to winning last year, but some boys barely beat us.

Oh, and the winner receives $50!

So on our way out to the races I thought if I would try to run it again this year. I was thinking naa I got too dressed up for the concert/dance later tonight to want to go run around the track. (My sister is going to hate this picture. In the other one I looked the exact same way as her haha)



When the mc announced they were looking for volunteers to run the foot race I thought about it…then took off my boots, socks, my loose jewelry, and pulled my hair up.

It was time to finally beat the boys and win $50! They do give the girls a decent head start, about 50 yards and there were 3 others girls running and about 8 guys. They counted down and we were off. They had me beat around the first curve but then I made my move to the outside and held the lead all the way to the finish!


I finally won the foot race!!! $50 to me! It was a silly little half-time “entertainment” event, but winning it made me super happy as lame as that may be!! One of the track workers asked me if I ran cross-country. Haha no I sure don’t! I just told him I run a lot!

I had to get a few pictures with the guys who do the trick riding entertainment: Cody Elkins (left) and Josh Wilson. They were really nice and did an amazing job performing!


IMG_1140The concert after arenacross is nothing to write home about, but I did get to hang out with some of my besties!




As far as food I enjoyed a spicy burrito the night of the fair.


Switchin gears to school food. (I know doesn’t really fit this post theme. Oh well) A breakfast burrito here back at school. New Mexico has the best Mexican food. Just sayin’. I’ll provide evidence through the semester.


And since I had been without Starbucks all summer I had to go by and grab and iced coffee. So good!


And green monsters have been reincorporated into my life! I’ve had about 3 or 4 this week. It’s so hot here where I’m at school so a smoothie is always a nice way to help cool off.



Of course my mom sent us to school with some cinnamon bagels, so they’ve made an appearance for breakfast a few times this week.


Whew I’m glad to have gotten this recap off onto my blog. Now that school is starting I’m hoping to be a more consistent blogger and to get into a “blogging schedule.” We’ll just have to see what my schedule ends up looking like!

When do you start back to school? How will it effect your blogging?

Comments (2)

  • Aurora

    August 22, 2013 at 6:42 pm

    Congrats on the win! That’s awesome! I go back to school late…like end of September. I was actually a better blogger during school because it was really, really good procrastination. #guilty

  • Kait

    September 8, 2013 at 5:49 pm

    I made it into your blog!! 🙂 love and miss you!

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