BBB Week 6 & Race for the Cure

SkylarFebruary 20, 2013

This past week I completed week 6 of Best Body Bootcamp! I really can’t believe there’s only 2 weeks left and I’m already halfway through with week 7! My favorite moves from the strength C workout were:

Single Arm Triceps Kickback

One Arm Dumbbell Row

I really enjoy working my arms. Much better than leg stuff, besides running. I’ve been able to notice an increase in my strength and endurance. My arms are really starting to tone up (from what I can tell). I really should have taken legitimate progress pictures. Fail on my part.  I’m already loving week 7 so far and will do a recap of it this weekend hopefully.

This weekend BBB cardio shined through during the Race for the Cure 5k. My time is in no way accurate because it took a little bit before we were actually able to get out and run. I was able to keep a pretty fast pace most of the time and really didn’t get tired. Not even at the end was I that tired.


The race went really well and it’s just an awesome experience. My sorority volunteers at the event, so after we were done racing we stood at the finish line and cheered on survivors coming through. Some are emotional and some aren’t, but I can’t put into words how much I love this event. It also has a very personal impact on me since my grandma died of breast cancer when I was around 2. My Mom also has an aunt who is a breast cancer survivor. So if you get a chance to do a Susan G. Komen race then do it!


I had my first Chipotle experience in El Paso after the race! It was soooo good. I just got a burrito bowl with rice, steak & chicken, and I don’t remember what else. I will definitely be going back there sometime!

Tuesday and today (Wednesday) the weather has been crazy. Tuesday it was cloudy then it sprinkled in the afternoon. Today it’s just windy and slightly chilly. I hate the wind. Hate it. That’s just New Mexico for you. You never know about the weather.


Yesterday, my professor for documentary photography had me take some pictures of him walking in the rain. A classmate took pictures of me taking pictures of my professor. Kinda cool right? I think so.

I’ve been having dreams lately of being in the mountains. Last night in my dream I was in some gorgeous mountainous place. It was so beautiful. I think it’s a sign I need to get away. Become a wild mountain woman maybe.

Now I’ll leave you with some fun links:

Vanilla Chocolate Chunk Whole Grain Muffins: I really want to try these soon!

Low Fat Oatmeal Banana Bread: Made this this week because I hate throwing away bananas!

Oatmeal Banana Breakfast Muffins: Really want to make these too!

And a link to a song I’ve been in love with since November. It’s a great running song too.

That’s it so have a great rest of your Wednesday! I’m off to grab coffee before my night class!





Comments (1)

  • pickyrunner

    February 20, 2013 at 7:32 pm

    I really need to make those muffins. They sound so good! Congrats on the race 🙂 I love when they’re fun. It makes the whole thing worth it.

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