BBB Week 3 & Iced Coffee

SkylarJanuary 26, 2013

This week concludes the third week of Best Body Bootcamp and probably has been the most challenging so far. I finally decided on my workout schedule and have been going to the gym on campus at 6 am when it opens. If you go later in the day, like the afternoon, the AC is packed with people and it’s annoying.  I like going when I can have the gym mostly to myself and I’m a morning person too. And maybe because I like to act like I’m dead for one minute on the mats…and take pictures of my legs…weird…without having to worry about people watching me.jan 25 gym lying

This week focused on strengthening our push and pull muscles along with endurance. The cardio for this week has been pretty challenging and is definitely testing my ability to keep a fast pace for a good amount of time. Yesterday’s workout was an endurance workout on the muscles. There were 4 different supersets of arms and legs which you alternated exercises until you reached 100 reps for each. Then you moved on to the next superset. My body is definitely feeling it today. I did some yoga earlier to stretch and open up my body which felt amazing. I think I need to invest in a foam roller…I should put that on my list.  Phone pictures suck sometimes.

jan 26 yoga

I’m not sure if I’m doing a plank or downward dog. It looks like I’m in between. It’s kinda hard taking a picture while doing yoga. Try it. Anyways, I’m really loving BBB and am already excited about week 4! After this week then I’ll be halfway through with bootcamp!

So finally this week I finally went to all of my classes which are:

Grammar, Women Writers, Documentary Photography, Media Design, and Approaches to Literature. Oh, and one online class, but I can’t really go to that one. I pretty much have an English/Journalism lover’s dream class schedule and that happens to be the type of person I am! With my grammar class I’m really hoping to improve my writing and knowledge of grammar. I love to write and it’s easy for me, but I definitely don’t do well when it comes to the grammar and mechanics area. I have a lot to learn, so hopefully my writing will continually improve where it’s noticeable!

jan 23 snacky snack

Doesn’t this picture make me seem so…hipster. I have the iced coffee, healthy snack, cool shades, some Jane Austen, and a grammar workbook. Totally hipster. Actually I don’t really even know what “hipster” is exactly, but I like to pretend I seem like one at times.  That leads me to my next topic. Iced coffee!


The coffee creamer I bought the last time I went to the grocery stores sucks. I don’t like it at all and I’ve given it a fair shot at impressing me, but it just doesn’t happen. So to get my daily coffee fix I’ve been getting iced coffee in the afternoon. I always ask for vanilla iced coffee with room for cream. I could probably cut back on the half & half, but oh well. Iced coffee is  my new drink obsession. I may start making coffee in the morning and not drink until the afternoon…probably not to be honest, but if I don’t get my new iced coffee love under control it could get a little out of hand.

ami vitale

For my documentary photography class we had to find a virtual mentor and I chose Ami Vitale. This picture is the reason why. I am completely captivated by it. You can read my little summary about why I chose her as my mentor by following this link:

She is amazing and I would love to somehow get in contact with her. Maybe even go to Montana and shoot with her. That dream may be a little big, but you gotta dream about something!

Guess which movies my friends and I watched last night?! Pitch Perfect!!! Ahhh I love this movie so so much! Fat Amy is simply freakin hilarious! Here’s another great scene from it:

On Friday afternoon I went shooting with a classmate in Old Mesilla to figure out my Nikon d90 and got a lot of great pictures. I’m excited to do some work with them Here’s just a little preview.

jan 25 blog churchTonight’s festivities consist of going to Whiskey Dicks in El Paso to watch Wade Bowen and Randy Rogers. I’m just a little bit excited. How was your week?

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