Banana Chobani & A Nap

SkylarAugust 28, 2013

A cup of banana chobani and a nap was all I needed this afternoon. After a day of class and work and then class again, I was super tired and ready for a snack.

My sister texted me right as I got out of class and told me she found banana Chobani at the grocery store. I was soooo excited!! I went straight home and grabbed a cup. I mixed in peanut butter and some Kashi cereal. Mmmmm that helped make my afternoon right.20130828-174911.jpg


Next, I finally got to take a nap. Only 30 minutes, but hey I woke up feeling refreshed and confident that I can stay awake during my night class tonight.

Let me take a power nap

I don’t know why, but the past couple of days I’ve been having trouble staying attentive during class. My 2:35 pm Modern British Fiction class truly is interesting, but I find my eyes getting heavy and today I had to pinch myself from letting my head fall to my desk in surrender to sleep.


I haven’t been going to bed super late…but I probably could go to bed earlier. And I haven’t been having coffee in the mornings. It’s too hot and humid for hot coffee and I don’t ever get ready in time to grab some before class. Maybe coffee is what I need.

I’ve also been happily getting to workout this week! Monday morning my sister and I went for a run and then did some abs. Tuesday morning I did a strength video on Youtube (not my favorite so I won’t share it haha). This morning I did some HIIT running and did some sprints and such for a little over 3 miles.

Green monsters have continued to make an appearance this week and I’ve been making some pretty tasty ones.


I still can’t resist those cinnamon bagels either. Thankfully they’re almost gone!



Just a few more days left here at school and then my sister and I will head home for Labor Day weekend. I can’t wait to go back and spend a couple relaxing days with my family.

You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in Your word. (Psalms 119:114 NKJV)

How do you stay attentive in class when sleep tries to take over? Favorite Chobani flavor?

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