Back At It

SkylarJanuary 26, 2016

I don’t know about you, but since the month of December my routine has been out of whack. With finals, Christmas, and winter break I have had a  long, inconsistent time without a routine. This week I’m ready to get back at it! Two areas I can improve to feel like I’m back at it are my eating and fitness!

Semester 2 of grad school at Texas Tech has began! And no I'm not actually doing homework...yet. #gradschool #texastech #friyay

Today I’m going to share a few things that are helping me get back into my routine.

One super exciting addition I’m making to my kitchen is this lovely Ninja Blender. Since I moved in August I’ve been without a blender.  Before Christmas I had decided I would use Christmas money to buy one. I found this Ninja on sale at Target for $99 and the deal was sealed! I’m way too enthusiastic about getting to make protein shakes in this blender now!

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I went to the grocery store Friday and Sunday to stock up on my grocery essentials. Here’s what I bought and what I’ll use it for.

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Cereal: I like to have around for a handful in the morning if I’m working out first thing and also at night when I need a small snack.

Oats+egg whites+Greek Yogurt+peanut butter: I use these three ingredients for oatmeal which is what I normally eat for breakfast.

Quest Bars: I always have a Quest bar as my afternoon snack. I go to CrossFit in the afternoon 2-3 times a week, so I’ll have one about an hour before I workout.  

Milk: I use to blend my protein powder with and have in cereal. 

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Chopped Salad: Used with either lunch or dinner. I’ll put shredded chicken on it this week.

Cheese: Used to top the salad/chicken mentioned above or in scrambled eggs!

Black Beans: Will eat with the shredded chicken and salad for a “burrito bowl.”

Hot Sauce: A burrito bowl, scrambled eggs, really anything isn’t complete without some hot sauce!

Turkey Burgers: I’ll cook these up one night this week and have one daily for either lunch or supper. 

Sweet +Regular potato: I’ll dice these up and roast them in the oven to have with lunch/supper.

Bananas: Used either in my oatmeal at breakfast or for a snack.

Cutie oranges: I’ll have one or two of these for a snack after lunch or at night. 

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My CrossFit classes last week totally kicked my butt and I’m still sore from last week.

Monday: Back Squats + Front Squats. Workout 10 minutes of : 10 kettle bell swings, 10 burpees, 15 kettle bell swings, 15 burpees, 20 kettle bell swings, 20 burpees (start back at 10 after the 20s).

Tuesday: At home. No workout.

Wednesday: Group warm-up + mobility. Workout Cindy-ish 30 minutes of: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats. (Completed 14 rounds plus 8. This is why I am so sore. So many push-ups!)

Thursday: Back Squats + Front Squats. Workout 40-30-20-10 reps 12 min cap: double unders, abmat situps, sumo deadlift high pulls with a kettle bell. 

Friday: Bench Press (4 sets of 8 at 75lbs). Workout 3 rounds for time: 25 push-ups, 20 overhead lunges w/ 35lb plate, 15 power snatches. ( I used 55lbs and did hang power snatches instead. Once again those push-ups were killer! I finished right before the 20 minute time cap!)

As you can see we did a lot of front squats, back squats, and push-ups. It got to a point on Friday where my arms were so sore that I could barely do one push-up on my toes. Knee push-ups it was for me! Getting my eating back to normal will definitely help me have more energy for my workouts and will help with the recovery side of things.

So there’s some insight to what I’m eating to get my body feeling normal again and a small glimpse into the fitness side.  Have a great Tuesday everyone!

How do you get back into your routine?

Any questions?

Comments (3)

  • rachel @ athletic avocado

    January 26, 2016 at 6:48 pm

    My grocery list is very similar! All the healthy and tasty goodies 🙂

  • Emilie Burke (@burkedoes)

    January 27, 2016 at 6:21 am

    When I read your first sentence, the first thing that popped into my mind was “I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22”, haha.

    Those workouts sound CRAZY. I totally understand why you’re sore! I think my arms would have given up on Wednesday!

  • Aurora@Fitness is Sweet

    January 27, 2016 at 10:59 pm

    30 minutes of Cindy? Holy Cow! And that is quite a squat heavy week! I’m impressed you were able to walk by the end of that!

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