Austin Trip Summer 2015

SkylarJuly 31, 2015

We got back from our Austin trip on Monday after a week of being gone. I took so many photos that posting a recap has been intimidating me. That’s why it’s taken so long for anything to appear on my blog. But here I am back with a recap and way too many photos. 

Austin Summer 2015

Our first stop was in Austin where my uncle, his wife, and 3 year old boy D.L. live. Now that we have little D.L to play with our trips are no longer filled with doing all the cool stuff we can. It’s more about hanging out and playing with D.L and catching up with my aunt and uncle. Luckily we’re all completely okay with it.

Our activities consisted of: D.L getting haircut, playing in the sandbox, blowing bubbles, swimming in the pool, going to a waterpark. dumping out tinker toys, becoming captain america, driving “diggers,” etc. 


D.L is a busy body and always full of energy. I kept my camera around and took a lot of pictures of him playing.  


We did eat at couple of really good places, but I only got pictures at the one below. We went to the Domain and ate at the Daily Grill. The food was excellent! I love the black and white photo gallery wall in the bottom right. 


After a few days we were off to visit my mom’s sister. On our way  we went to downtown Austin to have lunch with my dad’s sister (don’t bother trying to keep up with the family references).

She took us to the cutest little place called Walton’s that had the best decor and great sandwiches. Decorations consisted of succulents placed everywhere. It had a fresh and simple atmosphere. We had our first macarons from there! Macarons are odd, but yummy. 


And of course while we were downtown I had to stop and get a few pictures by interesting walls. 


Later we arrived at my aunt’s house to see her and her husband and their 2 daughters.

The first night we were there we went to concert in the park. The band was a soul band and was really enjoyable to listen to. Concert-in-Park

Once again our days were spent playing with the 2 girls who we think are the most adorable and beautiful little girls ever. We had such a blast with them. We swam in the pool, played dress up, doctored stuffed animals, and read some books.


After our few days with them it was time to head back home. I’m always sad to have to leave. We never get enough time with our family, but we take what we can get! I love the hill country of Texas and always have. It’s a place that I love being. When I write these Austin recap posts I always write something about how I feel like I belong there. Once again that feeling is still there.

Austin girls1

We had one more stop before we could go home. That was at our great grandmother’s house. It was a much-needed stop to say the least. We stayed the night there and drove home the next day. Our annual Texas trip was another success! After 3 weeks of vacation this summer I’m happy to be home and get back to my normal routine. 


Have a great weekend everyone! See you next week!

Have you taken a trip/vacation this summer?

Have you ever been to a place where you feel like you belong somehow? 

Comments (5)

  • Jenny

    July 31, 2015 at 8:50 am

    Looks like you had a great trip. You got some great pictures too.

  • Jenna

    July 31, 2015 at 3:48 pm

    Oh, this looks like so much fun! I love all of the photos! I’m like you…macarons are really pretty…but they are kinda weird. I feel like I’m supposed to love them because they are so darn cute! 🙂

  • Micah

    August 2, 2015 at 1:28 am

    Gorgeous photos!

  • karla @ finding my fit

    August 4, 2015 at 9:51 am

    photos of the kiddos are great!

    i always felt that i belonged down south. now that i’m actually moving down there i’m anxious/excited/nervous!

  • I Forgot How to Blog – Blonde Freedom

    August 10, 2015 at 7:57 am

    […] week is not satisfying the blogger/writer part of my soul. Sure I’ve posted two recaps, one of my austin trip and the other of a mountain getaway, but that’s just for the sake of remembering. I’m not sure […]

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