Atlanta// Spring Break Part 2

SkylarApril 9, 2015

Hello! We’re almost to the weekend! 

I left off yesterday with my trip to Austin and with my family heading to services for my great granddad. Well we went through that time, and finally on Tuesday afternoon I was checking into the airport to fly to St. Louis to meet my boyfriend. The airport decided I was a bomb suspect, so I waited in the middle of security while they picked through my purse and backpack. All they found was gum, books, lip gloss, snacks, and my laptop. It was a lovely time. Then I sat on the airplane in Dallas for two hours while they made some repairs. That’s always a comforting feeling. Eventually, our plane was ready and I arrived in St. Louis, MO where I finally was reunited with my handsome boyfriend. 

We had made the wise decision to drive from St. Louis to Atlanta, GA. I didn’t get to St. Louis until 8 that night so we were starting out  a little late. We got to Nashville around midnight then drove to Atlanta the next morning. 

ATL br and i driving


I did an awful job photographing a lot of the mundane, but important things we did. Like meeting his parents and siblings. That’s a big deal. Thankfully it went well and I think they like me, but do I have pictures to show for it? Nope. Did I take any pictures of the neighborhood his family lives in? Nope.

Wednesday afternoon we headed to downtown Atlanta to go to the Georgia Aquarium. Before we even got there I was both amused and secretly overwhelmed by all the traffic. I can’t imagine having to drive in this daily.

ATL traffic2 The actual aquarium was incredible. It’s a massive place with a lot to see! I didn’t know how much entertainment I would get out of an aquarium, but I thoroughly enjoyed it and was amazed at all the “water life” in that place.

ATL GA aqua

ATL Aqua 1

After watching a pretty incredible dolphin show we left the aquarium and walked around Centennial Park.

ATL Cen park1

Eventually we headed back home which took…forever. It felt like forever anyways due to traffic.

The next morning we got up and went to eat brunch. He took me to the Flying Biscuit Cafe and I was instantly in heaven. The atmosphere was vibrant and hippie-ish with dashes of southern charm. Their menu has a lot of healthy options like chicken sausage and whole wheat biscuits. I ordered biscuits and gravy with scrambled eggs which were delicious. I also ordered a side organic oatmeal pancake with peaches. I told my boyfriend that that was the best restaurant pancake I’ve ever had. It was dense, filling, with oatmeal texture. I could go on and on about this place, but just know if you are ever in the area you must check it out.

ATL brunch

With overly fully bellies we headed back to downtown Atlanta because as a broadcast journalism teacher I felt I couldn’t pass up on a tour of the CNN center.


 We went on the 50 minute tour and it flew by. One of my favorite parts was looking down into the workplace where you could see people doing what they do. I have to admit that I thought about how awesome it would be to work there someday. 


 It was neat to get a glance of the inside of CNN, but honestly I was a bit disappointed by the tour. I wanted to see more behind the scenes things than what we were given access to. 


Eventually we headed back home and hung out with the family for our last night there. 

Sadly, the next day me and my boyfriend had to head back to St. Louis so I could catch my plane back to New Mexico. So back in the car we went and 8 hours later we were back in St. Louis. We were both totally OVER being in the car by the time we got back. Driving 8 hours there and spending lots of time in traffic then driving 8 hours back will do that to a person. Despite all our time trapped in a car we still like to be around each other so that’s a good sign. 

ATL br and i
Being in a long distance relationship with someone you love and want to see every day is hard. But we want and believe in what we have, so that’s why we keep doing it. Saying goodbye is always a heartbreaking time. I absolutely hate it. HATE IT. I haven’t gotten any better at it. Well that’s all I want to say about that.

My spring break week in Atlanta was a blast and flew by. There is so much more I want to do and see and most importantly eat there, but that just means I’ll have stuff to do whenever we go back. And of course seeing my boyfriend was the best part of it all. He’s pretty sweet to me.

Have a great Thursday everyone! I’ll be back in a few days with my San Diego recap!

Have you ever been to Atlanta?

Isn’t meeting the parents so nerve-wracking?!


Comments (5)

  • Sarah @pickyrunner

    April 9, 2015 at 8:09 am

    I totally understand this and get how you’re feeling. I’m glad you had a great spring break with your boyfriend, especially after not seeing him for a long time, but there’s nothing that helps with the heartbreak of saying goodbye. I remember when I was dating someone long distance in Missouri a couple years ago and I literally cried the entire plane ride home. And now, my current boyfriend, I literally get teary-eyed every Sunday afternoon and am in a funk for the rest of the day because i know I’ll have to say goodbye for another week (I’m essentially in a pseudo-long distance relationship at the moment). It’s hard but as you said, it’s absolutely worth it when you love the person.

    1. Skylar

      April 9, 2015 at 9:36 am

      How ironic that you dated someone long distance from Missouri! It’s so nice to hear from someone who has been there and understands! I feel sorry for my boyfriend because especially the night before and the day of I am a crying train wreck haha

  • Dani

    April 9, 2015 at 11:43 pm

    Glad you had fun in Atlanta! Being from Atlanta, this post made me homesick. & I agree with you on the traffic; I will never miss Atlanta traffic.

  • Brandon

    April 12, 2015 at 3:05 pm

    You hold it together pretty well baby. I miss you so much and love you even more.

  • Looking Back on 2015 – Blonde Freedom

    December 31, 2015 at 10:00 am

    […] Atlanta//Spring Break Part 2 […]

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