April Goals & a declaration

SkylarApril 1, 2013

Happy April 1st!! I can’t believe it’s already April. Whoa whoa whoa. Hold your horses there April.

Sadly today will be my last blog post for hopefully only two weeks. By 5 pm today I will walk into the Zeta house and my life will then be consumed with Greek Week things for the next two weeks. Maybe three.

So my declaration is that I’m going on a two week blog fast. No blog posts. Probably no blog reading unless I need to kill sometime. Trust me I am really sad about this, but my first priority is being a student and then April is pretty much dedicated to Zeta activities and finishing up classes.

Papers, presentations, and term projects. Blah.  Life comes first.

I can sum up my goals for April in one word. SURVIVE

If you want to keep up with my life the easiest ways will be on Twitter by following me @skylarstarbuck or on Instagram where you can follow me at skylar35. So please find me!

On a more positive note I had a wonderful Easter yesterday with my family and really didn’t want to come back, but summer will be here before I know it.


Anyways, I was just killing time before a chiropractor appointment. See y’all in two weeks!

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