Am I Out of the Woods Yet?

SkylarSeptember 23, 2015

I posted this photo to my Instagram last night with the caption:

Grad school has me thinking…

‘Am I out of the woods yet?’ Nope. It’s only September.

And yes I just referenced Taylor Swift.

out of the woods-1


I had read a devotional that morning from “Thirty One Days of Prayer for the Dreamer + Doer” that talked about seasons in life. It seems like I blog a lot about seasons in my life on here, but I guess it’s something I can easily apply.

In the devotional it asked “Would you describe your current life season as being in the valley or the mountaintop?” Neither I thought. I’m right in the middle. 

Taylor Swift’s song “Out of the Woods” automatically popped into my head. Honestly don’t ask me why, but it is the perfect metaphor.

Here’s how the chorus goes: And I began thinking “Am I out of the woods yet? Am I out of the woods yet? Am I out of the woods yet? Am I out of the woods? Am I in the clear yet? Am I in the clear yet? Am I in the clear yet? In the clear yet? Good.”

No. No I’m not out of the woods. No I’m not in the clear.

I’ve basically just stepped into the woods and made it maybe 400 yards.

And no there are no woods in West Texas. Just plains. But stick with me. 

Being in graduate school has me in the woods. I have to keep my head down and focus on what is in front of me and work through the brush and trees until I get to the other side. I can turn all around and all I see is woods. I have to work hard to keep going and keep pushing to the other side. I don’t have the time or energy to focus on anything much else going on. 

But I know my time in the “woods” of grad school isn’t going to last forever, very short actually. Someday I’ll be in the clear. I’ll be able to confirm along with Taylor Swift when she asks“Are we in the clear yet?” I’ll say in unison with her, “Good.”

Honestly, by writing this don’t think I’m already ready to be done with grad school. Not at all ready actually. I love it and am so happy I made the decision to pursue it. But man is it a lot of work and mostly a lot of reading

But sooner than I probably want I’ll be out of the other side of the grad school forest. And I’ll be writing on here about whatever season I’m facing next. 

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

I’ve made it a goal this semester to wake up every day and be thankful for the place I’m at. Some days I could of used more sleep or may have tons of reading to do, but I truly am incredibly blessed to have this opportunity. I know not everyone gets the chance to pursue their education, especially higher education. Thankfully I have the strong desire to do so. So as I go onto campus today to prepare for another presentation and work, I’ll try to be thankful for this season and try not get stressed out. 

If you made all the way to the end of this blog post and can something understand my metaphor of being “in the woods” then you deserve a hug or a high-five. 

What season of life are you currently in?

Have you ever had a “in the woods” season?

Comments (5)

  • Dani

    September 23, 2015 at 9:09 am

    I can definitely relate to this. I feel like i’m just sitting in the middle of the woods trying to figure out which direction is forward. Thanks for sharing.

  • Mamacita

    September 23, 2015 at 11:48 am

    Dear Sweet Granddaughter… your positive attitude and personal drive, but just thought I would make the comment that there are always times of being in the woods and looking for that clearing no matter your age or season of life. It is God’s plan as you know that keeps us having that faith to face whatever is ahead of us. Keep Writing!

  • Julie Hood

    September 23, 2015 at 1:42 pm

    Yessss Tay Sweezy song references! And I’m glad you’re sticking with it. I totally understand starting something and then being like “man is it over yet?” because it’s so much work!

  • Emilie Burke (@burkedoes)

    September 23, 2015 at 1:54 pm

    Absolutely beautiful! I love how you took this Taylor song and applied it to an understanding of faith.

  • Kendel

    September 27, 2015 at 7:41 pm

    I am definitely in a deep, dark valley somewhere. I think I could just be tired, but everything seems that much HARDER at the moment. Just have to keep going and going and going. Like you. I guess I am ‘in the woods’ at the moment.

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