All My Friends Graduated

SkylarMay 12, 2015

This past weekend my last two best friends graduated from college. So that means we’re all college graduates!


This time last year we were freaking out because about half or our group graduated and was moving away while the rest of us had to finish our degrees. Another year flew by and now we’re all officially done and will be leaving this place.

Our college town is what brought us together. As bright eyed 18 year old girls we all came from different towns across the state. My random freshman roommate has ended up being not only my sorority sister, but best friend. The rest of us came together through being chosen to be pledge class sisters in Zeta Tau Alpha. We spent 4 years full of ups and downs together. And this past year we survived the long distance friends thing.

Homecoming Weekend group

I have so many words and emotions that I could put into this post, but I just wanted to document how incredibly blessed I am with my college sorority sisters who have become my lifelong best friends.

We have seen each other at our highs and our lows. We know each others pasts. We know the dark times and we know the happy times. We know the heartbreaks and the triumphs. We’ve laughed until our stomachs hurt and we’ve cried ugly tears to each other. We all have different dreams. Unique personalities. And somehow we adore each other.

My friends are beautiful, intelligent, driven women. As some of us go off to other states for grad school and some of us stay to work, I have to say I am so incredibly proud of the women I call my best friends.

As we say a bittersweet goodbye to our college town, the town the brought us together and grew us into adults, I anticipate the new adventures before us and the new places we will reunite in.

Congrats to all 2015 college graduates! Be proud of all your hard work and the degree you now have!


Comments (5)

  • Lindsey

    May 12, 2015 at 11:48 am

    I was a Zeta as well! At Florida State University. The friendships I made there have lasted many years past college and I’m so grateful for them!

    1. Skylar

      May 15, 2015 at 9:46 pm

      It’s so neat that not only are we blog friends, but we’re Zeta sisters!

  • Cailee

    May 13, 2015 at 5:19 pm

    This is so sweet!! What a lovely tribute to your fun college days!! Glad that you have made some life long friends… sisters!!

  • Dani

    May 14, 2015 at 2:50 am

    I definitely missed (miss) all my ZTA sisters as well after I graduated. I love running into other ZTA alumna though, whenever I do it’s like instant friends.

    1. Skylar

      May 15, 2015 at 9:46 pm

      I’m so glad I’ve met you and other bloggers who are Zetas on the internet!

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