A Wild Friday Night In

SkylarSeptember 11, 2015

If you had been a fly on the wall of my life the last 8 months or so you would know that I am a pro at spending a Friday night in. I’m such a pro that I usually wake up around noon on Saturday  with a headache due to the wildness of my Friday nights at home.


I also like to be a bit sarcastic.

As part of the Blog-Tember challenge today’s prompt is: It’s a Friday night and you decide to stay in. What do you do?

Let me take you through my typical Friday night in. 

7:30 pm Collapse from exhaustion after the timer goes off at CrossFit. Drink a gallon of water.

7:40 pm Done stretching and foam rolling. Mix my Progenex protein and start driving home.

7:42 pm Ask myself if I really want to cook when I get home.

7:43 pm Detour time. Call in a pizza order to Dion’s. Pepperoni with green chile of course.

7:53 pm Waiting in line at the drive through to pick up my pizza. To avoid looking like a loser I don’t go inside.

8 p.m. I’m home!! Break out the pizza with a side of ranch and Cholula hot sauce.

8:10 pm Sit down on the couch and search for something to watch on Netflix. I’ll either choose a TV show or a period drama movie like Jane Eyre.

8:15 pm Finally decide on an episode of Man Men and agonize over Don Draper’s choices with women.

8: 30 pm Done eating pizza, but still Netflixin’.

8:22 pm Break out the Macbook to catch up on blog reading, Facebook creeping, and Pinterest pinning.

9:34 pm Decide I need a dessert to celebrate the end of the week.

9:36 pm Find chocolate chip cookie dough in the fridge and eat one or five pieces.

9:38 Cookie dough is in the oven.

9:55 Cookies are out of the oven and cooled off. Must do a taste test.

10:05 Overly full from cookies and eyes are tired of looking at computer. Get comfy on the couch and find a random movie to watch.

11:30 I can’t even. The comfort of my bed is calling my name. I surrender and go to bed.



11:45 But I’m not tired enough to not scroll through Instagram.

11:50 Good night!

So that’s as crazy as I typically get on a Friday night at home. It is only subject to change if I happen to be with friends or the boyfriend which seems to be a rare occasion.  In fact I think that is outline of my night tonight!

How would you spend a Friday night in? 

Any weekend plans?

Comments (19)

  • Kaelene @ Unlocking Kiki

    September 11, 2015 at 8:53 am

    That sounds like an ideal Friday night to me!

  • Donna

    September 11, 2015 at 9:00 am

    Pizza is always a winner on a Friday night!

    1. Skylar

      September 12, 2015 at 12:26 pm

      Yes I wouldn’t want to have anything else!

  • Beth

    September 11, 2015 at 9:10 am

    Perfect evening in my opinion! I think I’ll be doing much the same tonight….although last week I made the (dangerous) discovery of an ice cream shop a few blocks up from me where they freeze the ice cream right in front of you (!) with liquid nitrogen. It was SO. GOOD. So that may work it’s way in to the plan. 😉

    1. Skylar

      September 12, 2015 at 12:26 pm

      Omg that ice cream shop sounds amazing!! At least it’s getting colder, so ice cream might not be as appealing!

  • Sarah @pickyrunner

    September 11, 2015 at 9:16 am

    I haven’t had a Friday night in in SO long. I was kind of hoping for one tonight but then my friends asked to do dinner. I’m still kind of tempted to just say nahhhh sorry maybe next time haha I have a date with my bed!

    1. Skylar

      September 12, 2015 at 12:25 pm

      I would much rather have friends to go to dinner with haha I hope you had a great Friday night!

  • Nina @ Flowers in my Hair

    September 11, 2015 at 11:22 am

    I feel you.

  • Lindsey

    September 11, 2015 at 2:35 pm

    Your Friday night sounds amazing and very similar to mine (without the hot sauce on my pizza…you’re brave)! Who can resist the cookie dough in the fridge…not me! Do you drink the Progenix recovery? Hope you have another wonderful Friday night!

    1. Skylar

      September 12, 2015 at 12:24 pm

      I drink Progenex More Muscle. It is sooo good!

  • Emilie Burke (@burkedoes)

    September 11, 2015 at 8:13 pm

    Hahaha. I don’t even make it to midnight either! #wildfridaynights #not.

    1. Skylar

      September 12, 2015 at 12:24 pm

      Yes, I rarely make it to midnight. If I do I’m ready for bed!

  • Julie Hood

    September 12, 2015 at 5:31 am

    First of all–your sarcasm is my favorite. Love love love. Secondly, I’m all about these nights too! Sometimes my husband and I just need a night of pizza (eaten in bed bc #reallife) and movies. It’s beautiful.

    1. Skylar

      September 12, 2015 at 12:23 pm

      Haha it is a beautiful way to spend a night isn’t it!

  • Kendel

    September 12, 2015 at 5:34 am

    That sounds like my everyday life (minus the cross fit and pizza, boo!). Haha. We really know how to live it up 😉

    1. Skylar

      September 12, 2015 at 12:22 pm

      Haha we live wild lives!

  • Mackenzee

    September 12, 2015 at 8:06 am

    Ummm did you eat that pizza on MY couch young lady?

    1. Skylar

      September 12, 2015 at 12:22 pm

      Actually I ate it on the floor so I could use the coffee table!

  • Kels @Blonder Side

    September 14, 2015 at 12:47 pm

    Haha ok yes, this sounds like most of my Friday nights. Although up till almost midnight is waay past my bedtime on ANY day of the week haha

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