A good Good Friday

SkylarMarch 30, 2013

Fridays are always the day that my mom, sister, and me (when I’m home) go to town to run errands and mess around.

So we got pedicures which is one thing I desperately needed! I usually go for pink nail polish on my toes and the lady did a great job! The only thing I don’t like is the massage type part. It always tickles me.


We did some other little errands, but then it was time for me to get ready for one of my best friend’s weddings! I can’t believe that it was only a couple of summers ago that we were “chasing” boys and hanging out at sonic on summer nights…Time flies. She’s the one in the yellow.


Look how tan I look! I am like overall tan! I am so ready for summer to get here!

Anyways, I took my fancy little Nikon to the wedding and tried to get some pictures. The lighting was weird so I had a difficult time getting good pictures and didn’t spend time messing with things to get all the settings figured out for the lighting. I got pictures of all kinds of details, but didn’t get many pictures with actual people. Rookie photographer mistake.


This was the aisle and where the doors are was the altar area. My favorite decoration was the box spring twin mattress that served as a chandelier type decoration. It was really cute!

The best part was the bride had a chocolate cake. One layer was of course vanilla, but she had a layer of chocolate! The chocolate cake alone made my night…


I definitely had the best looking date at the wedding…this is seriously the best picture of us I got. I do have a better one that my friend’s mom took, but just for fun I put this one up.


Here’s a better one:


Overall, it was a beautiful and simple wedding. A few of my friends and I were in charge of the guest book table and the cake serving, so that was a dandy time we had. I’m a pro at asking people to sign the guest book.

The ceremony was lovely, quick, and got the job done! The reception afterwards was fun too and it was good to be with people who I don’t get to see all the time since I don’t go to school here. That’s one wedding down and two more weddings to go that I get to be a bridesmaid in! Woo hoo! And the wedding madness can commence.

Today was just a lazy laidback Saturday. My mom made waffles this morning and of course they were delicious. I topped mine with peanut butter, syrup, and some sliced bananas with a cup of coffee to go along.


Other than that I’ve just done some things with my Dad and some little things to get ready to resume school next week. It’s been a warm and gorgeous day to be outside!

I did make it out for a nice 3 mile run and once again had a pretty fast 5k time. This picture makes it look like I have no hair and I have squinty eyes. So cute. After I recovered with some yoga for runners. I’ll post the video some time.


The rest of my evening will consist of some Easter egg dyeing and watching Wichita St. cruise to the final 4 over Ohio! March Madness is a crazy time of year. Upsets everywhere!

This guy #31 Ron Baker is the reason why I’m going for Witchita. I think he’s kinda cute!

And lastly just something to keep in mind for Easter:

Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus.

Romans 6:8-11

Just like Christmas it’s easy to forget why we celebrate Easter. Christ died for our sins so that we could have eternal life with him in heaven. Because of Christ I am free of sin. That doesn’t mean I don’t sin (because trust me I do every day), but it means I have been forgiven for my sins through the resurrection of Jesus.

Comments (2)

  • pickyrunner

    March 31, 2013 at 6:39 am

    Happy Easter! That cake looks so so so good. I want my friends to start getting married so I can start eating the cake haha I miss summer too but it’s right around the corner now!

  • moderngirlnutrition

    March 31, 2013 at 3:02 pm

    Happy Easter! I like that polish color, too!

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