5 Things Sorority Life Gave Me

SkylarAugust 26, 2014

With recruitment right around the corner and with many sororities who have already welcomed their fall 2014 pledge class I wanted to share why joining a sorority was one of the best decisions I ever made.

This past May marked the ending of my time being an active sorority member. After 4 years of chapter meetings, philanthropy events, sisterhoods, and date parties my time as a sorority girl came to an end. Instead of having my calendar filled with sorority events, this fall it will be filled with student teaching plans, Netflix, and some occasional reunions with my pledge class sisters.


When I joined my sorority the fall of my freshman year I had no idea what a huge and everlasting impact this organization of women would have on my life. I know there are many things I have learned that didn’t come to mind and things that won’t surface until later in life, but anyways here we go.

sorority life

  •  My sorority gave me my best friends. These girls are the true definition of a “best friend.” No I’m not referring to the all of the 60+ girls who are in my chapter( though I do love every single one of them). No one can seriously have 60 best friends. I’m referring to  a small group of girls. They’re the ones who I’ve laughed with until my stomach hurt. They’re the ones I share the ups and downs of life with . They’re the ones I share some of my favorite memories from the past 4 years with.
  • It gave me the opportunity to learn the ways of women and how to work together to make something happen even amidst conflict. Who gets the chance to try to organize and work with 60+ 18-22 year old sorority girls? Not many. When stress is high and time is short we are always able to pull together to accomplish whatever we have before us. It has allowed me to appreciate the unique talents that each and every one of us has and can contribute to the greater cause of our chapter.
  • Being in a sorority gave me something to be passionate about and fall in love with. I aspired to live by the values that the foundation of my sorority was built upon, and even today it’s like they’ve become ingrained into my own personal morals and values. From handing out pink breast cancer ribbons to playing on my sorority’s intramural volleyball team, I was a part of something bigger than myself. Ritual is also a beautiful part of sorority life that makes you realize only a select group of women have ever experienced the same ritual as you, making your bond to Zetas even more special.
  • Sorority life gave me a support system. A prime example came to me during Greek Olympic practices this April. We were practicing for pyramid team and the captain kept wanting me to be the flyer which consists of climbing to the top of the pyramid.  I had a mental block with climbing to the top because I feared I would basically take down the whole pyramid.  One of my sisters grabbed me by the shoulders looked me in the eye and said “Skylar, I know you can do it. I believe in you” and that has really left a lasting impression on me. My sisters believe in me. When I may not believe I am capable of doing something or may be undervaluing my individual strengths, my sisters’ know what I’m capable of. They are right behind me reminding me of who I am and what I can do. To this day I know that continues to be true.
  • It didn’t give me 4 years of friendship, it gave me a lifetime. As I parted ways with my pledge class sisters before summer break, I left them with a heaviness in my heart. Am I being dramatic? No I’m really not. However, this summer proved to me that these girls weren’t just part of my life for 4 years. I made a few trips this summer to see some of my friends and we already have future plans made to reunite again. We may not get to see each other every day anymore, but they’re still here for me no matter how far apart we may be.


I could have written about how being in a sorority gave me leadership and community service and academics, which it honestly did give me those things, but those aren’t what stand out when I reflect on my sorority experience.

If this is your senior year the advice I have for you is to enjoy it and to savor it. As much as you want to hold on to it and slow it down, it’ll fly by. If you recently joined a sorority my advice to you is also to enjoy it and cherish it and get to know the girls in your pledge class and chapter. You get out of sorority life what you put in ( I promise that’s true.)


Though my 4 years of sorority life may be over, it’s not the end of my relationship with my sisters. We’ll always have the ties of Zeta sisterhood holding us together. As we move on to graduate school or real jobs, they’ll be the ones I go to. I’ll tell them when I get a new job and celebrate with them when they get a promotion. They’re the ones I’ll be hopping on a plane to watch marry the man of their dreams. What people say is really true, Zeta is forever and I will remain forever grateful to the day I signed that bid to become a member of Zeta Tau Alpha.

***Note that Greek life isn’t for everyone and not every will love being in a sorority and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Comments (6)

  • Sarah

    August 26, 2014 at 1:05 pm

    The way you describe your sorority is how i felt about swimming and collegiate athletics. As hard as it is to give them up, it will always be a part of you, and that’s a pretty awesome feeling.

    1. skystarbuck@gmail.com

      August 27, 2014 at 5:01 am

      That’s a good way to put it. It’s neat how you can get the similar experiences from different types of organizations!

  • Renae @ MissFit Mixed Chick

    August 26, 2014 at 1:25 pm

    I never joined a sorority when I was in college even though I knew it was something I always thought about doing. Looking back, I really wish I had joined one. I missed out on a lot of the “college experience” but being shy and not joining one.

    1. skystarbuck@gmail.com

      August 27, 2014 at 5:02 am

      I’m also pretty shy and that helped me break out of my shell even more!

  • Aurora@Fitness is Sweet

    August 27, 2014 at 1:03 am

    Love this post! I love how my sorority sisters are everywhere. I had two sisters with me in DC this summer, and we did everything together. I would have been lost without them!

    1. skystarbuck@gmail.com

      August 27, 2014 at 5:03 am

      That’s awesome that you had two of your sisters in DC with you this summer. It’s a comfort knowing that wherever I end up it’s likely I’ll have a sorority sister somewhere nearby.

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