5 Things I’m Passionate About

SkylarSeptember 4, 2015

Hi everyone! I hope you’ve had a wonderful week so far and if you’re anything like me then you are so glad it’s Friday! My grad school schedule has kept me a little busy this week, but I’m happy I could show up today. So I’m joining up with the Blog-Tember 2015 challenge at Brave Love Blog for today’s prompt of “what are you passionate about?”

It seems like this past year I’ve really been able to find and recognize what I’m passionate about. There are things that I know always excite me and that I totally geeking out about. So let’s explore what they are!



Staying healthy and fit has always been something that I’m passionate about. Once the years of organized sports were behind me, it was fully upon me to make my fitness a priority. There is something about working out that truly keeps me sane. It reduces my stress. It makes me feel good. I don’t need anyone to tell me to do it, it’s something I love doing. CrossFit has definitely helped me stay on top of my fitness and to pursue ways to perform better in the gym as well as appreciating my body for what it can do. 

My health in general is something I highly value. I take care of myself by trying to make healthy eating choices (most of the time) and taking care of my body internally and externally. I like to be proactive about my health now, so that 5 years down the road I’ll still be in good shape! 


Yes, I did get my undergraduate degree in education, but I wouldn’t say that’s the main reason I’m passionate about education. After I graduated college I found myself yearning for more education. I wanted to learn more. I was hungry for it. I knew I needed to dig deeper and really dive into the world of media. That’s the field I’ve always been truly interested in pursuing and I know now is the time to go after it. If not I would be once again waiting and dreaming to be in the media field. 

Starting my master’s degree isn’t something I see as putting myself above others or is making me any smarter than other people. I just know that I need the education credentials and experience to really get into a career that is in that field. For me getting a master’s degree is the answer. 


My passion for photography began with a film camera in my first photography class in college. I was able to capture pictures of things, places, and people that I loved. The thing I loved about film was the whole process in the darkroom. The darkroom was like an escape for me from all the heavy stresses that were on my life that semester in college. I could go into the room. Turn off the lights and see my work come to life. My focus and every thought was focused on the film and print that I was processing. In photography class I was blessed to have a professor who showed me that I had a natural eye and inclination for photography. That professor got me hooked on photography and kept encouraging me to keep after it. Now I can’t get my mind off of it. 

And that’s okay with me. Though I just recently started my own photography business, my roots for photography go back a few years. Now it’s the right time for the business side to start to grow, so we’ll see where it leads.


Writing has been my primary passion for pretty much all of my life. It’s the best way I’m able to express myself. You wanna know what I think? Let me write it out. It helps me figure out what I’m thinking and process things. I write when I’m happy and excited. I also write when I’m sad or upset. I write to record and keep track of my life as well. I am introverted and am not super talkative in person, but I sure as heck can write. I know it’s a skill and passion that is a God given gift meant for something greater than staying locked away in pages of notebooks and journals and google docs. 


Though all I seem to do lately is complain about how I don’t know how to blog anymore, I still love it deep down. I started getting into blogging when I was reading health blogs all the time back in 2012. I started my own blog later that year. My favorite part about blogging is being able to record what’s going on in my life. The blogging community is another huge reason I’m passionated about it. It’s opened me a world of other people across the U.S. and even the world. It’s allowed me to find people who are similar to me and definitely helps me not feel like a complete weirdo. It’s pulled out my creative side and has helped me not restrain myself to the boxes I think my life should fit in.

I mean my passion for blogging has led to you reading this post right? If you think about it…..well I think it’s pretty cool.

It’s taken some time for me to realize that what I’m passionate about will be different from others and that’s the beauty of it. I also know God has a special “secret” plan for me that will utilize the things I’m passionate about and skilled in. I could go on and on for days about each of these topics if I could, but we both don’t want that. I know you got crazy labor day weekend plans to get started. As for me I’ll be going home for the weekend and spending time with family.

Now it’s your turn! What are you passionate about?!

Comments (10)

  • Danielle Dortch

    September 4, 2015 at 12:35 pm

    I love seeing all of these challenge posts that everyone is doing. I’ll definitely have to get in on it next year. But your passions are awesome and I love that you are pursuing them, even if it wasn’t what you originally went to school for. That’s so awesome!

    1. Skylar

      September 5, 2015 at 9:38 am

      You should check out the Blog-Tember challenge. I’m not posting every day, but I’ll use a few of the prompts throughout the month!

  • Anna | SheisJoyful

    September 4, 2015 at 2:51 pm

    We have a lot of the same passions! 🙂

    1. Skylar

      September 5, 2015 at 9:38 am

      Yes, I believe we do!!

  • Kels @Blonder Side

    September 5, 2015 at 4:49 am

    I’ve liked this theme goin around of talkin about the things we’re passionate about! I agree with the blogging one as well. I may take a hiatus every now and then but I always come back! I also love reading and seeing you grow so keep it up!

    1. Skylar

      September 5, 2015 at 9:39 am

      Once I started to think about what I’m passionate about it was pretty easy to make my list!

  • Julie Hood

    September 5, 2015 at 5:42 am

    amen to (almost) all of these! (i’m not a super health-focused, fit person…but in my heart i am 😉 i took a film photo class in high school and am now teaching a digital photo elective to my students (although i’m not the best photographer, clearly by my blog pictures haha) but it’s going to be fun to explore editing and composition and lighting with them!

    1. Skylar

      September 5, 2015 at 9:40 am

      That’s so awesome that you’re teaching a photo elective!! You will learn soo much! I felt exactly that way when I was teaching video production last spring. I was learning right along with my students!

  • Cristy

    September 5, 2015 at 5:23 pm

    Looks like we have many of the same passions!

  • Creating an Inspiration Mood Board – The Blonder Side of Life

    September 13, 2015 at 11:25 am

    […] found out about Blogtember from my girl Skylar and while I’m not joinin in every day, I do love the prompts and have written a few here and […]

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