5 Things Friday

SkylarFebruary 22, 2013

1. I hate my phone. It sucks. The only thing I like about it is that it has a good camera with flash and I can turn the camera to face me, but that’s only when it works! It’s sooo slow. I really miss my Iphone 3g. Come back to me Iphone. Come back. Actually all I have to do is open a drawer and there it is!

2. I really want to go to London for a study abroad program this summer in July. It’s just wayyy expensive sadly. My Mom also thinks I will be a real life example of the Taken movies, which is a reasonable thought (sorry Mom). However, I really want to go by myself. No friends. Just me and a bunch of strangers hanging out and reading Shakespeare. Also, I can’t go during regular semesters because I’m already a semester behind and with education I wouldn’t be able to take the classes I need. So I’m just whining about most likely not going. I will go to London someday though. I will.

Love London!

3. I love to read. My class just finished “The Mill on the Floss” by George Eliot. It’s a really great book and has a very surprising ending. I’m glad I’m taking a class that allows me to read novels and not textbooks for class reading. It’s so nice to read for an hour or two before going to bed.

4. I’m almost out of Fitmixer protein powder and need to buy some more. I have 3 packets of Perfect Fit Protein from toneitup.com, so I’ll make it through next week. I’m considering trying Herbalife protein powder (Herbalife is huge here) or maybe Perfect Fit protein if I like it.

5. This made me laugh a bit.

Dorquisha The Explorer - NoWayGirl

Welp that was fun. Now I’m off to Big/Little Reveal! Not really any plans for the weekend. Just take some pictures for a project and do some yoga tomorrow. My body is begging me to do yoga. Anyways, have a great Fridayyyy!

Comments (1)

  • Abby

    February 24, 2013 at 6:39 am

    Ugh, I feel ya. I have a droid and kick myself everyday for not getting the iPhone. Oh well. London would be so awesome! Those Taken movies though… scarred for life. Hope you have a good Sunday!

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