5 Reasons Why I Love San Diego

SkylarApril 11, 2015

Last Sunday morning (Easter), I returned from a school trip to San Diego. My broadcast staff competed in a national competition and this year the convention was in San Diego. Our hotel was filled with 2,700 other students/teachers who are media nerds like us.


My passion for media received a big push of motivation after spending a week with others with the same love. Most of our time during the day consisted of my students weren’t running around with their cameras and spending time editing video on their computers. Thankfully, one morning I was able to attend a session for teachers that was super helpful. Otherwise I spent most my time checking on my students and going up and down on the elevator from one location to another.

San Diego STN

Now that I’ve shared why I was in San Diego, I’m going to change up this recap post by sharing 5 reasons why I love San Diego.

1// The View

Our hotel was located in downtown San Diego right next to the bay. Every time I looked out my hotel window I fell in love with the view both morning and night.

San Diego morning

San Diego lights bw


The first full day we were in San Diego we were location scouting around the bay and Seaport Village. We were all starving so we stopped and had some pizza. I don’t remember the pizza as well as I remember all the laughter.

San Diego Pizza

 There were a few late afternoons/evenings where my students did their own thing while I did my own thing. One early evening I was walking down in the Gaslamp District trying to decide where I wanted to have dinner when I spotted Cafe 21. I took a look at the menu and decided to try it!

San Diego cafe 21 out

I ordered the fondue (on the right). It came with fresh cut vegetables/fruit/bread and a cheesy fondue. It was delicious. My other dish was a chicken crepe (center). Interesting right? It turned out to be really good as well! I also ordered a big bottle of…water (right).

San Diego Cafe 21 collage

One morning I had a little bit of time before things got busy for the day, so I went to a little cafe I had seen.  I’m always up for a warm, toasty bagel and a sweet cup of iced coffee. I got a whole wheat bagel with cinnamon pecan schmear. Loved it. 

San Diego bagel

There were so many cute restaurants and cafes that I wish I had the time and money to try during our week in SD. I loved the downtown Gaslamp district and would love to return. Next time I would prefer to be with my girlfriends or my boyfriend without a schedule, but I won’t pass up another school trip back there either.

3// History

The USS Midway was also located close to where we were staying. That aircraft carrier is massive. I can’t even describe how huge it is. What’s even crazier is to see all of the aircraft that is on there. I didn’t get a chance to tour it but every time I saw it, I was amazed. 
San Diego Midway

The Unconditional Surrender statue is also located right next to the Midway. Of course this statue is based off of that famous photograph celebrating the triumph and end of World War II. After doing some reading, not everyone in San Diego is a fan of this statue, but I thought it was neat to see. 

San Diego kissing

Our Silences by Mexican artist Rivaling also graced the walkway along the bay. The 10 bronze monoliths are only in San Diego for a short time, but they aim to provoke conversations on freedom of expression. They are sombering statues once you realize what they are representing.

San Diego 3


 After the convention had come to an end on Saturday morning, we headed off to Belmont Park/Mission Beach for the afternoon. I absolutely loved being at the beach. We played some beach volleyball, enjoyed the freezing cold water, and ate some good food. 

San Diego beach1

The beach life is a good life. It’s a completely different lifestyle than what I’m used to. 

San Diego beach4

Eventually our time at the beach came to an end and we had to load the bus to head back home to New Mexico.

San Diego beach6

5//Chill Vibes

Chill Vibes Only. I saw that phrase on shirts and hats countless times while we were there, but I think it’s a perfect caption for one of the reasons I loved San Diego. I loved the vibes. I loved seeing all the young people in their 20s. Most of the people I saw were fit and in good shape. The food choices and grocery stores in the area also showed that health was a priority. I loved the laid-back, sunny feel of being at the beach. I loved the busy, exciting thrill of the streets as night was coming. I loved the curiosity, adventure, and thrill that comes with being in a new place. I absolutely loved San Diego and cannot wait to go back again. 


So until next time California. Peace out.

Have you ever been to Cali? San Diego?

Comments (2)

  • Kels @ Blonder Side of LIfe

    April 12, 2015 at 3:54 pm

    I was in San Diego this past Fall for work and while I did take a running tour of the city they didn’t take us by the statue what the heck? haha I do remember having some great food though. There’s a gelato place downtown somewhere that I fell in love with! Also fish tacos…..yum 🙂

  • April Favorites – Blonde Freedom

    May 1, 2015 at 6:34 am

    […] first week in April I was in San Diego for a high school media competition. I fell in love with San Diego and cannot wait to go back […]

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