5 on Friday: The Day I Just Ate Chocolate

SkylarApril 11, 2014

1.  Chocolate. On Wednesday it seemed like all I ate was chocolate. I did get in some oatmeal at breakfast, but it went downhill after that. After doing an interview I decided to stop by a few shops near the area I was in. The first store I went into was a chocolate shop. Anndd I came out with chocolate covered graham crackers and peanut butter cups. Soo delicous! Then I went to a small coffee shop and right when I walked in I saw a picture that said “chocolate peanut butter blended iced coffee”. I was instantly sold. There was no going back. So I ordered that and it was really good!!


That night my sorority had a social with a fraternity and we ended the night with smores. Needless to say I ate more chocolate. My eating has been all over the place this week and since Wednesday it’s just gone down from there.


2. Greek Olympics. The past two weeks some of my sorority sisters and I have been out late practicing for Greek Olympics on Saturday. I’m the captain of our chariot team and I’m on the pyramid team. So we’ve been meeting every night to practice and improve so that Saturday we can win!! Greek Olympics is my favorite time of the year in regards to sorority events. I love getting to hang out with the girls and get to know girls better than I don’t know well. It’s fun to be competitive together and to see what everyone’s strengths are. I’m sooo excited for Saturday, so I’ll let you know how it goes!!


3. Last registration. I registered for my last semester of “classes” on Thursday. I no longer will have real classes to attend, but I’ll be at a high school all day every day doing my student teaching. I’m excited to graduate in December, but I still can’t believe it’s already been 4 years!!

My friends and I meet at 5:30 am on the morning of registration and have breakfast. So this time we met at Denny’s bright and early.



I had the french toast breakfast with 7 grain bread (not that it makes it much healthier), bananas, strawberries, and a side of peanut butter. Also, some scrambled eggs too. That kept me full for hours.


4. Workouts. This week has been another good week of working out (my diet on the other hand has been sketch). I’m so thankful for my weight lifting class so that I have scheduled time in the gym. On Monday I did an arm workout. Tuesday I went for a run.


Wednesday my best friend killed me with another leg workout.  I’ve been sore all week since then in my hamstrings and quads.

Wall Balls 18lb ball 10 reps x 3

Deadlifts 45lb bar 10 reps x 3

Bosu ball cable squats 10 reps x 3

Alternating Bulgarian squats on bosu ball 10 reps on each leg x 3

Morning glories 10 reps x 3

Body weight squats 30 reps x 3

Now let me tell you. The bosu ball cable squats are no joke. Watch the video below. These things are hard. My first attempt I looked like I was trying to dance on the bosu. I looked ridiculous. Once I got the movement down it went  a lot smoother. It definitely shows you how strong or weak your core is.

5. Pinterest love. Lastly, here are a few of my favorite Pinterest pins for the week.

Indian cat.

 I’m so ready for summer. Love this outfit.

So thankful that my life has been peaceful for it gives life to my body.

I’m so happy it’s Friday and the weekend is here!! My parents will be here in just in a few hours for the weekend. We’ll get to have our last big Greek event for the year with Greek Olympics and I hope the Zetas come out on top!! Have a great weekend everyone!

Have you ever had an all chocolate eating day? Do you like working out with a friend or partner?

Comments (5)

  • pickyrunner

    April 11, 2014 at 6:53 pm

    All I can think about is… SMORES. My favorite! Except I’m all about the marshmallows haha

  • Christine@ Apple of My Eye

    April 11, 2014 at 8:30 pm

    The minute I read the title of this post in my Bloglovin I was like, yup, that basically describes me hahah. I really don’t blame you for having a massive chocolate consumption at all when you have something like freakin’ chocolate peanut butter blended iced coffee screaming in your face. PUT THAT STUFF IN MY MOUTH.

    Have fun at Greek olympics! Some of my close friends are competing and it’s always fun to hear their stories!

  • caileejoy

    April 13, 2014 at 12:15 pm

    I hear ya on the chocolate days!! i’ve def had them! And I prefer to work out alone! Just me, my music and the elliptical! Lets go 🙂

    1. caileejoy

      April 13, 2014 at 12:57 pm

      Also, I nominated you for the Liebster Award!! Check out my blog for more info 🙂

      1. Sky @ The Blonde In Black

        April 14, 2014 at 6:30 am

        Thank you so much for nominating me!!! 🙂 I can’t wait to answer your questions!

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