5 On Friday: Pancakes & Pinterest

SkylarJuly 18, 2014

It’s Fridayyyyy!!

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1. Pancakes. No better way to start off a Friday morning than with a plate of pancakes.

pancakes jul 18

2. FitAID and a good workout. It’s like a mimosa in a can. One of my CrossFit coaches gave me one to try after our workout yesterday.

jul 18 fit aid

Yesterday I was the only one in class! It was like a personal training session, luckily one of the coaches did the WOD with me. We worked on snatches which I have some mobility to work on. And the WOD was: AMRAP 10 min: 10 deadlifts, 5 shoulder to overhead, 10 front rack reverse lunges, 20 double unders. I used 55lbs and it was the perfect amount to really challenge me but not prevent me from going as hard as I could. Evidently I got a little sweaty from my gray shirt sweat stains.

3. I’m going up to Albuquerque for a weekend with my best girlfriends. Not living near them is hard, so I’m super excited to spend the weekend with them and catch up!


4. Funny Tweets. I was reading through my favorited tweets the other night and was dying laughing. I’ll share a few.

I promise I will never do this when I become a parent, but that is a scary thought.

5. My pinning on Pinterest has been on point this week. Here’s a few of my faves.

I just love doing Friday blog posts. They’re so much fun and laidback! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!

What are some of your favorite things for today?

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