5 On Friday: Cake & Peasants

SkylarMay 2, 2014

It’s Fridayyyy!!! I’ve been waiting for this day all week because tonight is my sorority’s Crown Ball which is our final formal for the semester! It’s going to be a blast and my pledge class has been super excited about it since the beginning of the year. And now for some 5 on Friday.
1. I can’t believe it’s May. And now I only have one more week of school left! That means next week is finals which is an incredibly daunting thought. I have a lot to get done for next week.

Evidently I’m using my time wisely by blogging.
2. Since it’s the end of the semester that also means it was our last week of weight training class. I’m in love with my new Nike tank top.
After Wednesday leg day I have been incredibly sore. It’s even worse today. Walking normally has been a struggle. My hamstrings are killin’.
Thursday after I was done with work I went out to the track to get in some HIIT running. I did 15 sec sprints x 10 then just ran for 15 min and ended up 10 minutes of abs. Going to the track is a nice change up in my routine and it feels a lot better to run on.
3. Cakeeee!! I lovvveee cake!! We had our senior farewell dinner at Zeta on Wednesday and the chef ordered us a huge cake and all of our names were on the edges. We all cut out our names and my piece was quite huge. I promise I didn’t eat all of it haha More like 75% of it before the sugar coma set in.
And my breakfast for the week hasn’t strayed from oatmeal, but I changed it up today and had an English muffin with peanut butter, banana, and honey as I was going out the door.
4. With graduation and the end of the semester coming next week, sometimes it’s hard not to feel old. When you’re around a bunch of freshman and sophomore girls who still have a few more years to go, I sometimes think how much I would love to go back. But at the same time I know change is a part of life and growing older is too. Without experiences from that time I wouldn’t be where I am today. I know I shouldn’t even say the word “old” in reference to myself, but I am.

I’m going to try not to be anxious about getting older and growing up more. It doesn’t do any good anyways. I’ve always been best at just going with the flow, so that’s what I’m going to keep doing.

5. Back to a lighter note here are some things I’m loving from Pinterest lately!
Oh Prince George. What a cutie he is! My friends say the word “peasants” a lot, but when I saw this I had to laugh because he actually has the social position to use that term.

Once again I’ve been keeping my eye out for redecorating ideas and here are a few that have caught my fancy.

Well that’s all for today! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! I guess I should get a few more things done before we dance the night away! Or more like try to dance for me haha.
Tell me something about your week? Do you keep up with the royal family?

Comments (1)

  • Christine#

    May 2, 2014 at 1:38 pm

    I can’t believe you’re almost done with school! I’m on the quarter system, so I still have a solid amount of time left before I’m free. I love the clean and crisp room inspiration you have going! A lot of white/neutral space is my fav style as well since it’s so calming 🙂

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