5 on a Rainy Friday

SkylarMay 23, 2014

Happy Friday everyone! Here is my 5 for Friday.

1. I woke up in the middle of the night to hear rain pouring down on our roof outside my window. The sound and smell of rain will always be one of my favorites. We’ve been in desperate need of rain here in New Mexico. Being a farmer’s daughter adds another level of understanding to how important rain is. We need it to water our crops and our pastures, so we can feed the cattle we have. There are many other reasons why it is so important to us, but those are just a few. In a place where rain is scarce it’s always a welcomed resource and is received with thankful hearts.


2.  Protein Pancakes are my jam. After not having them for so long, I jump at every chance to make them for breakfast!


3. I’m going to a Crossfit fundamentals class on Saturday to learn the fundamentals for Crossfit and get a feel for if I want to do it for the summer. I’m a little nervous, but at the same time I’m excited and ready to get started!

4. This article and video. I died laughing at the article so read it for a laugh!

26 Kids Who Straight Up Don’t Give a F***

Dad & Daughter Sing “Fancy” by Iggy

5. Planner & Spaces

I want this planner:

Desk space designed with this in mind:

And a living room with a neutral color scheme:

That’s all for today! As far as plans for Memorial Day weekend, I have absolutely zero. But it’s important to remember why we have Memorial Day weekend: to honor those who have sacrificed their lives for our country.

Do you like rain? What is something you are loving or doing this Friday?

Comments (2)

  • Christine@ Apple of My Eye

    May 23, 2014 at 8:07 pm

    I live in California and we’re in desperate need of rain as well! Glad you guys got some :). And yes to planners! I’m pretty obsessed with organization so planners are my jam haha 🙂

  • caileejoy

    May 24, 2014 at 1:51 pm

    I love that planner and want it too!! And those protein pan cakes?!! YUM!!! 🙂

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