1st Little Friday

SkylarAugust 29, 2014

I’m linking up with The Grits Blog for Little Friday! This is my first time to join in with this link up. Thankfully there are no rules because as you will see there is no structure to my post.

  • Today is Friday! That means I’m dancing in the mirror. Singing in the shower.  Laa da tee Laaa da tahh La da tahhhh. (Not really.) After I get out of school at 3:30 my sister and I will be heading home for the weekend!Enjoy it, everyday.
  • Another week of student teaching is done! Annddd this is my favorite outfit I wore this week.teacher outfit 8.29
  • I woke up this morning and did yoga before I got ready for school. I’m so surprised how much it energized me and set me up to have a great day. I’m thinking yoga will be my new workout for the in between days that I’m not doing CrossFit.
  • Speaking of CrossFit, it’s been giving me a real hard kick in the booty lately. My favorite  WOD this week was on  Tuesday. We started our strength by doing EMOM for 15 minutes of 5 front squats then 10 burpees. The WOD was 20 AMRAP 5 Thrusters, 10 pull-ups, and 15 box jumps. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss one of my box jumps because I did and banged my shin pretty good. 8.29 CrossFit workout
  • The movie The Other Woman is hilarious. I knew I should recommend it before I forgot about. This is one I’ll probably buy which says a lot. I watched it earlier this summer with my family at home. Leslie Mann is one of my favorite actresses who never fails to crack me up. If I ever say I need to go to “brain camp” this is the movie that reference is coming from.
  • The girl at Starbucks writes my name prettier than I do. It looks like I’m drinking a cup of iced half-and-half with room for coffee. I need to learn how to control that half and half. It gets a little out of control.Iced Coffee Starbucks 8.29
  • Last, but not least I’ll leave you with the song that has been my jam this week. I know it totally sounds like a high school teenage girl song. I’m not sure if it’s the high school environment that’s rubbing off on me, but this song has been growing on me. It always seems to be on the radio when I’m going home from school.

I hope everyone has a great labor day weekend! My plans consist of sleeping in, eating good food, and enjoying being at home for the weekend!


Comments (3)

  • Sarah

    August 29, 2014 at 2:14 pm

    I LOVE THE OTHER WOMAN. I Bought it when it first came out on iTunes which, like you, is saying a lot since I rarely pay for movies. Have a fabulous weekend 🙂

  • karla @ finding my fit

    August 29, 2014 at 3:36 pm

    EMOMs are my favorite, but that WOD sounds horrible. my shins are forever-banged up from missed box jumps/bar facing burpees; you win some you lose some 😉

    the half & half comes out SO FAST at starbs. mine is always outrageous too.

  • Aurora@Fitness is Sweet

    August 30, 2014 at 2:51 pm

    Banging up your shin is THE WORST. I have some nice little box jump scars. It’s fantastic. I saw a preview for The Other Woman on the plane and now I really want to see it!

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