15.3// CrossFit Open
When I heard the announcement for the CrossFit Open 15.3, I was relieved. 14 min AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) 7 muscle ups, 50 wall balls (14lb ball), 100 double unders. This was something I could do, scaled version anyways.
However, when I arrived at my box Friday afternoon to complete my 15.3, I was a bit disappointed. Since I can’t do muscle ups I already knew I would be doing the scaled version of the workout. I didn’t expect the scaled version to be so “scaled”.
14 min AMRAP
50 wall balls (10lb ball)
200 single unders
I mean I was at least expecting a modified version of muscle ups and at least keep the double unders so I can work on those.
Jennifer at Wine to Weightlifting made a good point in her blog post: Crossfit Games Open 15.3: Is the scaled division too scaled? She said:
The RX division will test you physically. If you can’t do a muscle-up? You’re out. If you can’t do a double-under? Out. It is a test of skill. This is a test for the elite. A test for those that want to go to the Games or help their team get to Regionals.
But the scaled?
Is it a physical test? Not so much. Most are more than comfortable with a lighter wall ball and most can skip a rope.
The scaled division will test you mentally.
After I got home from completing 15.3, I read Jennifer’s blog post above. It turned around my perspective on the scaled version of 15.3. I completely agreed and had a better attitude about it.

Anyways, so let’s see how I did. First of all the good news is that 15.3 DID NOT make me cry! Success!
Our box had to purchase a new 10lb wall ball for the Open. So I was used to using the 14-20lb during WODs. When I picked it up it felt like a basketball. I thought “Oh yeah I got these wall balls. No problem.” Yeah right.
The first round flew by deceivingly quick. I did get no-repped a twice in a row for not breaking parallel on my wall balls though. Once I started into the second round of wall balls I had to start taking a few more breaks and had no trouble getting below 90 degrees. My legs were very warm to say the least. Add on another round of 200 single under, and the legs were getting heavy.
The third round was a bit rough. My legs were on fire this round. Literally flames coming off of my quads. I kid, I kid. I had to break up the wall balls a a little more than round 2. I got through the third round of walls balls to complete 150 total.
Then I picked up my jump rope for single unders. I messed up a few times and got to 194 when the buzzer rang. I was soooo close to getting to the 200 and fulling completing the 3 rounds. I know if I would have gone below parallel and not stumbled a few times on my jump rope that I would have got those last 6 to complete 3 rounds. But I didn’t cry this time so I’ll take it.
A few minutes after finishing the WOD the heaviness and sore feeling fully kicked into my legs. They were dead. I had to crawl out of the gym and up into my truck. Well maybe not, but I sure was not walking like a normal person.
When I got home I recovered with a Progenex protein shake and a walk around the block to try to shake out my legs.
All in all I was pleased with the scaled version. It was a burner. As I type this post out Sunday night I can verify that my quads are still extrememly sore. Like so sore I try not to touch them and sitting down takes some extra effort. It’s a great feeling though. I love feeling sore. That means I did some work. Now onto 15.4 this week!
**Be sure to enter my MealEnders giveaway!
How was 15.3 for you?
Did you do scaled or RX?
What did you think of how they scaled it?
Comments (3)
Aurora@Fitness is Sweet
March 16, 2015 at 4:53 pm
Awesome job! I’m excited to see what 15.4 is…
karla @ finding my fit
March 17, 2015 at 2:27 pm
I’m still bitter about how scaled the scaled verison was. I’ve never even tried a MU. Could I do one? maybe.. but I’m not just going to throw myself on the rings and kip away.. too prone to shoulder injury for that.
instead i did it scaled and struggled so hard doing singles.. haven’t done them in a year! i’m a bit disappointed in the open but the scaled version still burned my quads for 2 days.
here’s to 15.4 🙂
March 17, 2015 at 10:20 pm
It would’ve been nice to see a scaled movement for the MUs, so those that didn’t have them could at least work on some sort of progression towards the muscle-up. But yeah, the scaled version still sucked! Good work on yours, getting through three rounds of the wall balls is no small matter!