Why 15.2 Made Me Cry

SkylarMarch 10, 2015

When I saw the CrossFit Open workout for 15.2 I may or may not have said a curse word under my breath. Listed on the WOD was my CrossFit arch nemesis–Overhead Squats.

Immiediately I knew I was going to be doing the scaled version which was:

Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete:

From 0:00-3:00

  2 rounds of:

  6 overhead squats (65 / 45 lb.)

  6 chin-over-bar pull-ups

(If you passed that round you did the same thing only 8 reps, then 10 reps, and so on.)

Prior to this workout I had made some progress in my overhead squats after doing a lot of mobility and then using a training bar (30lbs). The problem was I had to do 45lbs for the scaled version of the Open.

I started out with some PVC pipe. My coach and I worked to get the basic move down. Then we added some weight to the PVC. Then I did some mobility because there is a spot in my back that always pinches in overhead squats, so I rolled around on a lacrosse ball for awhile. I used a band to stretch out my shoulders too. Then I grabbed the PVC again.

Soon I had moved up to the 30lb training bar and made some progress with that and started to add a little bit of weight. But more mobility had to follow. I was having my triceps pulled. I was hanging from the bar and having my back pushed and stretched. I was in a pike handstand position having my shoulders stretched. I was consistently stretching my hips. I was as mobile as I could possibly get in one hour.

Time was cutting close so I loaded up 45lbs so I could make my attempt at 15.2. After a practice attempts I completed a few reps at 45lbs and my 15.2 workout began.

3…2…1…My first and only 3 minute round began . I completed 5 overhead squats with 45lbs in the first 3 minutes. I made a handful of attempts at number 6, but couldn’t complete it. Once the clock went off my coach asked if I wanted to try it again. By this point I was super frustrated. My body was tired. I was over overhead squats.

Tears started coming to my eyes as I said “no.’ And there was no denying it: I was crying over overhead squats. I was crying out of frustration. I was crying out of anger. I was crying from being worn out. I was crying because I only wanted to get one more overhead squat but I couldn’t. I was crying at Dave Castro for having OHS in a workout. I was crying over 15.2. 

As I discreetly tried to hide my tears in my tank top, my coach came over and reminded me how much progress I had made. I did 5 overhead squats at 45lbs which I couldn’t do when I walked in an hour ago. He shared how he also struggles with overhead squats. Then another guy came over and told me how much he hated overhead squats and gave me a high-five.

And this is what’s great about CrossFit and the CrossFit Open. It pushes you. It challenges you. It keeps you accountable. It gives you a community of support. It gives you an idea of where your abilities lie. It shows you that you’re capable of more than you think. It gives you a goal to keep working towards. Walking in that day I didn’t want to do 15.2 because I knew it would be tough, but with some push I did it. If I were working out alone in a weight room, I could easily give up or not go as hard, but not here. At CrossFit there is always someone pushing you. Today it pushed me to the point of tears, but I have much more hope and confidence in the future of my overhead squats.

To top it all off I had 15 minutes to log onto the CrossFit website and submit my 15.2 scores. Well I was using my phone and for some reason the username & password combo I was using wasn’t working. I tried every possible combination. So after all that work I didn’t even get to submit my measily 5 OHS score. Go figure. 

As I’m laying in bed, I can rest a little easier knowing that snatches and overhead squats shouldn’t be a part of the remaining Open workouts 15.3, 15.4, and 15.5. Any other move I know I can definitely do and can scale if I need to. So bring it on 15.3. Try to make me cry. I dare you.

Comments (12)

  • Cailee

    March 10, 2015 at 3:59 pm

    Girllllll!!! You are seriously so inspiring!! I love how you push yourself and work so hard!! I take more of a ‘lax’ approach to fitness!! Haha, I need to up my game!! I’d be crying just thinking about a tough workout like this!!

    1. Skylar

      March 13, 2015 at 2:35 am

      Haha thank you!

  • Aurora@Fitness is Sweet

    March 10, 2015 at 5:52 pm

    Overhead squats are hard-they take so much flexibility, but you’ll get there! I’m the least flexible person and I can do them after years of weight lifting-just keep working! I totally understand the tears of frustration-when I first started weight lifting years ago with a trainer, I kept failing a lift and getting super frustrated to the point of tears. He looked at me, and flat out told me I was being too hard on myself, and putting too much pressure on, which was actually making it way harder to make the lift. Good luck with the rest of the Open! I’m excited to get my first Open workout in this weekend!

    1. Skylar

      March 13, 2015 at 2:37 am

      I get told I’m too hard on myself a lot, so you mentioning that was a good reminder! I’m excited you get to do an Open workout this weekend! I’m actually looking forward to 15.3!

  • Chris

    March 10, 2015 at 7:36 pm

    While not crying, I had a similar experience where I just stopped being able to OHS. I literally had not done one since 14.2… so another year later I was using this past weekend to get as mobile as possible for my date with the bar again. I contemplated doing scaled, but knew since I went Rx last year I needed to make myself do it again this year. I got one OHS last year. This year I got 10. Made it through the pull-ups but then couldn’t get another squat. I think my shoulders were fried from all the practice and warm-up and then the actual WOD. Oh well. I’ll take my 10 this year. If we do it again for 16.2, I’m gonna get 20 OHS!

    I love your attitude though, you know you will be ready to tackle whatever comes next in our remaining three workouts! And yeah, hooray for the Open for pushing you and also for everyone coming together to show support!

    1. Skylar

      March 13, 2015 at 2:40 am

      Yes mine were totally fried by the time I actually got to the WOD from practicing! Great job for getting through 10 OHS! I definitely feel a lot better about sucking at OHS after reading your experience! Good luck at 15.3 this weekend!

  • karla @ finding my fit

    March 11, 2015 at 1:48 pm

    Wawy to push yourself 🙂

    these are the feels i had for 15.2 (especially after completing 14.2 last year..) except my arch nemesis was the damn c2b. last year i totaled a whopping 13 reps and this year i got 27. that is what the Open is about–measuring your fitness and seeing improvement over the past year.

    Here’s to hoping for some much better WODs for 15.3, 15.4 and 15.5!

    1. Skylar

      March 13, 2015 at 2:41 am

      Awesome job on getting 27 c2b this year! And good luck on 15.3 this weekend!

  • 15.3// CrossFit Open – Blonde Freedom

    March 16, 2015 at 12:32 pm

    […] so let’s see how I did. First of all the good news is that 15.3 DID NOT make me cry! […]

  • jennifer

    March 16, 2015 at 12:44 pm

    GIRL.. Search my blog for “cried” or “tears” and you will be amazed how similarly we think.. haha.

    OHS are no joke.. but I WILL say that is is most likely mobility and not strength holding you back, and once you can fix that, you’ll be able to crush those 45# ones.

    I look back to when I started two years ago and it was HARD to OHS the 35# bar. When I finally was able to do 55# I was on top of the world! I haven’t done “heavy” ones lately, but a few months back I did 125# (limited by how much I can get overhead). So trust me – your time WILL COME!

    Keep the positive attitude, as difficult as it may be sometimes. It’s not fun if it’s not fun, right? If you run into any other mental struggles, holler my way – I am sure I can point you to a post of mine where I’ve BEEN THERE, DONE THAT! 😉

  • 20 Lessons From One Year of CrossFit – Blonde Freedom

    June 11, 2015 at 8:23 am

    […] Overhead Squats make me cry. Literally cry. Thank you Open Workout 15.2. Overhead squats I still hate […]

  • Looking Back on 2015 – Blonde Freedom

    December 31, 2015 at 10:01 am

    […] I’m Competing in the CrossFit Open | Why 15.2 Made Me Cry | 20 Lessons from One Year of […]

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