15.1|CrossFit Open Recap

SkylarMarch 2, 2015

Saturday morning I went to my local CrossFit box to complete the first workout of the Open. I had watched the 15.1  announcement on Thursday night and watched Froning and Fraser go head to head. Friday I went in to find my Clean & Jerk one rep max so I knew what to aim for on Saturday. 

15.1 workout

I can’t do a snatch with more than 50lbs, so scaled version it was for me. 9 min AMRAP 15 hanging knee raises, 10 deadlifts 55 lbs, 5 ground to overhead 55 lbs. 6 min to establish 1 rep max clean & jerk. I was a bit disappointed at first that I had to do knees raises instead of toes to bar, but eventually I got over it and accepted that I was going to do the scaled version to the best of my ability.

After getting warmed up, the clock counted down and 15.1 began. The first round of the workout flew by. The second round was when I started to break things up a little more. I would do 8 knee raises and drop to save my grip. Then I’d hop back up to do the remaining 7. I would take a few breaths before knocking out the deadlifts and the same for ground to overheads. Around the 6 minute mark I started to feel it a little more, but I was still able to keep up my pace. I just had to concentrate harder on what I was doing.

Before I knew it my 9 minutes was up. I had completed 185 reps. Which was 6 round plus 5 knee raises. 

Then I had the remaining 6 minutes to find my one rep max clean and jerk. My first attempt was 85lbs and I got that easy. Second attempt was 90lbs which wasn’t bad. Next, I attempted 95lbs and got that to my surprise. For kicks and giggles I decided to attempt 105lbs in the last minute, but I wasn’t able to get under it. (I didn’t have any 2 and a halfs to go for 100) So I PR’ed my Clean & Jerk at 95lbs and was very happy with myself. I wasn’t sure if I was going to get it after that 9 min AMRAP. 

15.2 recovery

So I completed my first CrossFit Open workout and was super happy with how I did.  After completing the workout I cooled down and stretched. I went home and recovered with a chocolate Progenex protein shake. 15.2 is coming up this week! My schedule is  a little wonky, so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to complete 15.2 in the timeframe, but I will find a way to get it done somehow!

Did you get active this weekend?

If you’re a CrossFitter, how did 15.1 go for you?

Comments (4)

  • Lindsey @Fit Life Pursuits

    March 2, 2015 at 4:53 pm

    You’re awesome!!!

  • Chris

    March 3, 2015 at 2:15 pm

    Nice job Skylar! You found your C&J so you had a plan.. then you PRed! Congrats! What was your max when you went in and tested it beforehand?

    1. Skylar

      March 5, 2015 at 4:17 am

      I believe it was 90lbs so I increased by 5! It was all that adrenaline!

  • Aurora@Fitness is Sweet

    March 3, 2015 at 8:33 pm

    You did awesome! I love how the Crossfit games really push you out of your comfort zone-I did my first toes to bar during one of the workouts last year!

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