100th Blog Post & Currently

SkylarApril 29, 2014


I can’t believe this is my 100th blog post!! Hence the reason for the confetti picture because it’s exciting!! 100 is a pretty big number to fathom. When thinking about what I wanted to blog about for my 100th blog post I decided to do a “currently” post so I can look back someday and be embarrassed at all the random and ridiculous things plaguing my mind.

Moving forward. A blogger I follow, Little Misadventures, does these currently blog posts. I wrote this up this morning before I posted this, so put yourself in a morning mindset.


Making: These past few days I’ve been making scrapbook pages for my fellow senior sorority sisters. That’s something being in a sorority has helped me with is being crafty.

Drinking: A cup of coffee with Italian sweet cream creamer.

Reading: I’ve been catching up on my Bloglovin’ feed and this article: 13 Socially Acceptable Ways You Act Only With Your Best Friends. It’s crazy how accurate that is.

Wanting: I’m wanting time to slow down, but at the same time I want my school work to be done.

Looking: I’m still looking at Pinterest for inspiration to redecorate my room.

Eating: I just had a bowl of oatmeal with peanut, blueberries, and blackberries for breakfast.

Wishing: I’m wishing I could go back to points in my college career and relive those moments. My roommate is still my best friend today and we were both reminiscing about our freshman year last night.

Enjoying: I’m enjoying waking up this morning and not having any immediately pending homework to get done.

Waiting: I’m waiting on this coconut oil I have slathered in my hair to soak in so I can hop in the shower.

Liking: I’m really liking the weather we are having here in New Mexico. It’s warm, but not too hot outside. As long as the wind doesn’t decide to show up, it’s really nice here.


Loving: I have loved Calvin Harris since last summer, but now I’m truly in love with his new song “Summer.” Calvin Harris can meet me in the summer anytime.

Hoping: I’m hoping that my group for my theater class has written the lesson plan for our presentation on Wednesday.

Marveling: I know my constant talking about time and graduating and being sad about my friends must get annoying, but I’m truly marveled by time. When you’re a freshman you don’t listen when people say these next 4 years will go by fast. It’s not until you’re in your senior year and thinking “holy cow! how can I be a senior already?!”

Smelling: I have an awful sense of smell, so I can’t smell anything worth noting right now.

Wearing: I look like a total scrub right now. Big t-shirt and a old pair of boxer shorts with a messy bun.

Noticing: I’m noticing that I’m pretty good at the whole teaching thing. I got my evaluation back today and I had really nice and encouraging comments from my evaluator on there.

Thinking: I really need to get in the shower to get ready for class. Hopefully, I really didn’t have any homework I should have been working on.

Feeling: Sad. Happy. Reminiscent. Bittersweet. Stressed.

Last but not least thank you to all the people who read my blog! I appreciate you taking time out of your day to read the words I have written and look at the pictures I post! Have a great Tuesday afternoon everyone!

Answer one of the currently topics!

Comments (3)

  • Little Misadventures

    April 29, 2014 at 1:54 pm

    Yay, I’m so happy that you decided to do one of these posts! Coffee is about the best thing ever. Congratulations on getting good feedback about your teaching! That is the best feeling ever :]

  • Jordan @ The Blonde Vegan

    April 29, 2014 at 6:47 pm

    100th blog post… how exciting! Huge congrats, girl. I loved the “currently” post– I might need to do this ASAP 🙂 how fun! And I totally know what you mean about how fast the 4 years of college fly by… I graduated last year, and it literally blows my mind that I have been out for almost a year already. Enjoy every last second! Xo

  • Christine#

    April 29, 2014 at 6:55 pm

    Congrats on the 100th blog post! I never thought to keep track of that, but it’s a huge milestone!

    Love this post! I might have to steal it since it sounds like a lot of fun to type up :).
    I’m currently wanting it to be summer and have a break from all this work I’ve been doing! Luckily, the weather in Santa Barbara has been gorgeous, which really uplifts my mood :).

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