10 Things I Miss About College

SkylarMay 14, 2015

After spending the weekend celebrating college graduation, I wanted to share some things I miss about being in college. Though my December graduation wasn’t that long ago I’ve noticed how different it is, so I’m linking up with Running with Spoons for Thinking Out Loud.

10 Thins I Miss About College

1//Free Workout Classes

You don’t realize until you’re out of college how nice it is to have free access to  places. Specifically the gym and workout classes. Last fall I was going to yoga classes at the university between CrossFit days. Now that I’m no longer a student, I don’t get to go. If I wanted to do weight lifting or lay out at the pool I can’t do that either. It’s disappointing.

2//Being done with school early, starting late

I started my student teaching about two weeks before college students started. My sister who is in college had finals last week and is already home for the summer. I’ve had this week of school and one more next week. I despise college students now for their breaks.

3//Learning as a full-time job

Oddly enough I miss taking classes and having the opportunity to learn. I would absolutely love to be taking English and Journalism classes again. I know it does suck at the time having tests, papers, reading, and projects. However, I’ve realized what a neat opportunity being a college student is. You have one job and one job only. To learn!

4//Writing papers and reading books in coffee shops.

Now you’re going to think I’m truly crazy. I always enjoyed writing. Writing papers wasn’t the funnest thing to do in my life, but it always did come easily for me. I did my best writing when I wasn’t at home. I had to go to a coffee shop or the library to work. Of course I had my favorite spots I would go to and though I would be stressed about my paper, somehow it was still relaxing.

5//My best girlfriends

I don’t think I have to explain this, but it’s such a special time to get to see your best girlfriends every day. Appreciate that while you have it.

6//Having a social life

Honestly, I have been so lame this past 6 months and even year. I’d go out with my friends that are here maybe once a month, twice if we were lucky. I basically spend my evenings at home and the weekends being productive and lazy.

7//Being in the college community

Until you graduate from college you don’t realize how much of your identity is in being a college student. It’s hard to find that inbetween community that you are part of. I’m not in grad school. I’m not a young married woman. I’m one of those confused,  20 somethings who doesn’t know where we fit. 

8//Somehow sleeping good

This is likely personal and work related, but I’m still adding it. In college I would be stressed beyond my limit. I would have tons of homework to be done and sorority events to attend. Somehow I always slept sound and good. This past 5 months teaching have been the worst months of sleeping I’ve ever had. My mind is running 5 million miles per hour. It takes me forever to fall asleep. I wake up in the middle of the night. I wake up and can’t go back to sleep. I don’t know what the deal is, but I don’t like it.

9//Student Discounts

You don’t realize how nice it is to whip out your student i.d. to get that tiny 10 percent discount at a restaraunt, store, or for a haircut. Trust me. When you’re used to getting the discount, but can no longer say you’re a college student it gets really disappointing. (Thank the good Lord my student i.d. debit card hasn’t expired yet, but it’s close.)

10//Not having to have your life figured out.

When you’re in college you know you have some time before you really have to figure out what you’re doing with your life. But as graduation rolls around and passes, you’re thinking about why you should go back to school to avoid these adult responsibilities. Lately, I’ve been trying to accept the fact that I don’t have my life figured out and probably won’t for a very long time. But I’m always working on it!

For those in college what do you think you will miss?

For those out of college maybe who didn’t go what did I miss?

Comments (14)

  • cait @pieceofcait

    May 14, 2015 at 7:17 am

    i love this! i agree… i love learning full time. If I could I would go to school for ever. NOT that I like all the work.. but i love learning.

    1. Skylar

      May 15, 2015 at 9:45 pm

      Yeah I could do without the work, but it’s always fun learning new things!

  • Sarah @pickyrunner

    May 14, 2015 at 7:49 am

    Honestly, I don’t miss much about college but I do miss some of the things you mentioned. This summer not having 3 months off will be tough but for the most part, I like post-grad life so much more! If my gym had free workout classes, I’d probably have to agree with that statement, but unfortunately I went to a small school so we didn’t have that luxury.

    1. Skylar

      May 15, 2015 at 9:44 pm

      I understand not missing much about college. I do have to agree that I prefer post-grad life so much more!

  • Jamie

    May 14, 2015 at 8:54 am

    I totally miss living down the hall from my best friends. We were all in one place, and getting together for a meal or a quick coffee didn’t have to be planned weeks ahead of time. Also – we had a chef and cleaning lady in our sorority house… I 100% miss that. Congrats on graduating!!!

    1. Skylar

      May 15, 2015 at 9:44 pm

      We had a chef at my sorority house too, so I loved getting to go to the house for lunch and hang out with my friends!

  • Gretchen | Gretchruns

    May 14, 2015 at 12:33 pm

    Ugh I can relate to each and everyone one of these (minus the first..I went to Penn State and a gym membership was definitely NOT free..but cheap compared to what I pay now!) I was in the marching band and I miss all the excitement of football season and being able to travel for games!

    1. Skylar

      May 15, 2015 at 9:43 pm

      I’d always thought that marching band looked like a blast! It’s so cool that you did band in college!

  • Anna | SheisJoyful

    May 15, 2015 at 6:07 am

    This is me now! I just graduated. I’m really excited 🙂 but there are definitely things I will miss! Mostly time with my friends.

    1. Skylar

      May 15, 2015 at 9:42 pm

      Congrats on graduating!!

  • Cailee

    May 15, 2015 at 10:04 pm

    These are great things that I’m going to have to remember while I get through my last two years! …I totally hear ya on the college community thing!! That is SO fun and I am finally appreciating it!! Great post as usual!!

  • Kels @ Blonder Side of LIfe

    May 19, 2015 at 5:36 pm

    Ugh yes, I miss a lot of these things as well. Although for the most part, I will tell you that eventually real life is way better than college…or maybe that’s just me having to go back to school and being like, I wanna be a grown up again lol

  • Angelica

    July 23, 2015 at 11:16 am

    I have a year left in college and I’m going to miss the community for sure and how easy it is to meet new people and engage them in the Gospel.

    1. Skylar

      July 30, 2015 at 8:29 am

      In college you don’t realize how awesome and special it is to have that college community. Savor your last year of college!

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